How to Use Color Breathing to Open Your Chakras
Color breathing is a simple meditative practice that can be used by beginners and advanced meditators alike to clear, charge and unblock chakras. As each energy center is associated with a specific color, one can incorporate the color into a breathing practice to open the chakra consciousness and heal the chakras.
Color Breathing for Chakras
According to a mental health article from the city of Milwaukee, “color breathing is a simple stress-reducing activity that may be quickly learned. It involves mentally picturing/meditating on a color that represents how you want to feel or what you want to let go in your life (stressor).” Using color breathing for opening chakras is a similar process except the colors chosen are based on the chakras you want to unblock not necessarily how you want to feel.
As chakras are points of spiritual entry associated with the expression of different aspects of the personality, when a chakra is blocked it can affect the way one feels and behaves. The breath can be used to bring color into a chakra energy point to unblock it, releasing stagnation and congestion while facilitating healthy energy flow.
How to use color breathing to open chakras
I often use color breathing for clearing congestion from my chakras This free Color Breathing Guide has a full list of chakra locations, chakra colors, chakra consciousness, and instructions that’ll help you get started.
One thing to note though is that if there is structural damage to a chakra, a deeper level of work is required as color breathing will clear congestion but can not repair structural damage. To learn more about chakra blockages, chakra damage, and symptoms of unbalanced chakras, check out this post.
The first thing you have to do is to choose a chakra you want to cleanse using color breathing. If you are not sure which chakra is blocked, take the chakra quiz and find out.
Once you’ve picked the chakra you want to open, you need to find the corresponding color. Each chakra has a specific color that is determined by wavelengths of energy vibration the chakra gives off as it spins. Each chakra spins at a certain rate or frequency therefore, each chakra is associated with a different wavelength of color.
Click here to get the full list of chakra locations, chakra colors, chakra consciousness, and instructions that’ll help you get started.
Chakras spin quickly when healthy but as they become blocked, the vibration rate decreases and affects the color given off as well as the physical, emotional and spiritual balance of the body.
Sit down. The first few times you practice the color breathing exercise you may feel lightheaded especially if you are targeting one of the upper chakras. It’s a good idea to sit or lay down while practicing chakra color breathing.
In the post about Cellular Consciousness, I talk about the collection of emotions, past experiences, and traumatic memories stored in the cells of the physical body, as well as those stuck in the energy centers, called chakras. And, I talk about how each time a stored emotional memory has triggered, a reaction is produced until the memory can be cleared from the system.
As each chakra has a specific consciousness that is responsible for the expression of a different part of the personality, when the chakra is blocked, the expression of that part of the personality is affected. Using the breath to facilitate the movement of color through a specific chakra can clear congestion from the chakra allowing it to regain function and allow for healthy expression of its consciousness.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!