What to Expect in Chakras on a Capricorn Full Moon
We’ve made it into a Capricorn full moon after going through the Sagittarius full moon where we were focused on lightness, optimism, and a desire to move, travel, and expand our interests. As the moon goes through Capricorn now our focus shifts to stability, grounding, and manifestation.
When the full moon arrives as the cycle goes… it’s a time to release what’s been standing in our way of uncovering our own power in these areas.
Where are you wasting your time, energy, and resources? Being impractical or impulsive rather than planning for the future? Whatever your struggles are with getting down to business and getting serious about long-term goals, now is the time to peacefully let them go and move on!
In this post, I’ll talk about your chakras on a Capricorn full moon, the power of the full moon in Capricorn, walk through the concept and influence of its elemental force, and share the most prominent chakra that will be present so you can work with the incoming energy in a way that is to your advantage in your life and career.
Ready to look at the zodiac, the Capricorn full moon, and chakras and understand where healing is possible for you?
Simply put, it depends on which zodiac sign the full moon is traveling through. Your chakras on a Capricorn full moon are different than on a Scorpio full moon and different than how they react to a Gemini full moon.
As the moon moves through the zodiac signs astrologists believe that its travel influences our life, much like the sun does. (lunaf.com) So, let’s look at what you can expect in your chakras on the Capricorn full moon.
What to Expect in the Chakras on a Capricorn Full Moon
Regardless of what your moon sign is, we all feel the influence of the moon in Capricorn a few days a month. Your tendencies to be cautious, serious, and more grounded may be heightened or you may find during this time you’re more inclined to feel depressed as you’re realizing you’ve wasted time and energy on things that are not practical.
Are there long-term goals that you’ve been thinking about but have been putting off dealing with? Career issues? Financial planning or budgeting? This may be a time when it comes to the surface to be healed.
When the full moon is in Capricorn, we live for stability and safety and are ready to take steps to align ourselves with activities that will yield slow but steady results.
This affirmation for the Capricorn full moon may help you find the satisfaction you seek during this time. “I am willing to stop struggling as I realize it is time to create some structure in my life.”
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are zodiac signs that embody the earth element and its solidity and connection with physicality and materialism and the importance of money.
Earth signs are typically grounded with solid foundations and understanding the elemental influence on the zodiac sign of Capricorn brings a greater understanding of how we can use its strength to manifest our dreams into reality.
Feeling a little slow? Is stubbornness kicking in? Maybe you’re feeling like you’re stuck and unwilling to change things and won’t compromise in the meantime? If so, the earth element is at work for you this full moon!
Staying flexible while trying to plan for your future will bring the ether element into your chakras and offset the effects of the earth element in a transitory Capricorn.
What can you do? Sit down and map it out! Jot down some long-term goals and look at ways you can achieve them. Create a plan. If you’re worried about money - draw up a budget and stick to it. Taking small steps every day to create financial security will help offset the earth's element in a transitory Capricorn moon.
Capricorn moon phases are all about solidity, materialism, and security. Whether it’s a need for structure, planning, getting serious, or feeling more grounded and stable, we are ready to find it in our lives.
When the moon was in Sagittarius and the solar plexus, heart, and crown chakras were activated, we were focused on spontaneous actions that felt good, upbeat, and adventurous, but now, as the full moon transitions into Capricorn, the focus moves down to our root chakras and an instinctive awareness of the limitations of time and how we are spending our time to achieve what we want to achieve.
The root chakra is also called the Muladhara chakra, or the first chakra and it is one of the 7 primary chakras in our body. It’s located below the perineum of the body and is associated with our sense of safety, security, physicality, and practicality. It is our portal to understand what we need in the most basic way.
On a Capricorn full moon, it’s a good time to use the innate influence of the lunar phase to slow down and look again at how we are living our lives.
What does the big picture look like for you? Where do you feel unstable? Is it financially? Your career? Relationships? Mental stress? Maybe it’s uncertainty about where you’re living?
The Capricorn full moon is a good time to shift this energy. Don’t be afraid to look at what’s no longer working for you. Shift priorities. Plan a bit. Think about how to pay off debt or save for that dream vacation or building that new house that you’ve always wanted.
Using chakras and the zodiac to release what no longer serves you and attract what you want more of in your life is really about finding balance, and it’s not just big-picture things. Paying attention to your chakras and the moon can bring you balance, healing, and peace… It’s truly a window into what aligns on every level of life.
Do you notice a shift in your energy on the full moon? What gets illuminated in your life that you’re struggling with and ready to release?
Full moons are associated with a peak in energy and are traditionally a time to release what no longer serves us and let go of what we’re carrying so we can create space for things that support our highest good. As we set intentions on the new moon, let go and reflect on the full moon, we tap the natural cycles of release, surrender, and renewal.
The Capricorn full moon is all about practicality using the energy of the root chakra, so focus on what makes you feel secure then create a plan for achieving it.
Where have you been wasting time, energy, or resources? What are you ready to release that’s been bogging you down and making you feel insecure? Preventing you from manifesting what you need? How can you look reality in the eye and deal with it?
Because the full moon is peak energy, it’s a perfect time to tap into its power and do a bit of self-examination and go deeper so you can rid yourself of old fears and beliefs and limiting habits.
Why unblock your chakras? Basically, so you can get a greater sense of who you are and how your life is in alignment (or not) with living your truth. Balancing chakras can create balance in our lives and bring us pleasure and hope and desire and a yearning to feel something that arises within us!
Sometimes the best way to go through this lunar phase is to get out and let ourselves be inspired by trying new things and spreading our wings. Set your intention to release what no longer serves you, use positive affirmations to shift the energy, review long-term goals and create plans so you can achieve them, draw up a budget, get some physical exercise then, sit back, relax and trust that the forces of astrology, your chakras, and the elements have all aligned.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!