5 Simple Ways to Open Your Sacral Chakra
It doesn’t matter how knowledgeable, or conscious, or mindful you are about staying healthy, we all feel stuck at one time or another. Often, it’s not even because of something we’re doing. Maybe we haven’t been taking care of ourselves? Maybe our chakras are reacting to the phases of the moon? Maybe we've been so focused on paying off debt that we’ve forgotten how to let ourselves enjoy life. Or maybe we’ve been unable to sleep.
There are so many scenarios that can block the energy flow of the sacral chakra without you even realizing it. Whether you thought what worked in the past would always work or haven’t given it much thought at all, let’s talk about 5 simple ways to open your sacral chakra and get yourself moving again!
But first, one little note. You’ll notice much of the advice in this post is centered around easy and quick ways to start where you’re at without overwhelming yourself. This post isn’t about joining the latest yoga class or signing up for a chakra intensive or having multiple chakra balancing sessions. Not at all. Instead, its purpose is to give you some easy ways to start moving energy in your body. You’ll feel yourself opening up and gaining back your fluidity along the way.
when contentment becomes stagnation
A lot of times, I see women in their 30’s, 40’s, or 50’s with daily routines that they use to keep things running smoothly. They are happy with what they have. They’re not in those early days where they’re excited and driven to finish school, get their first job, and find a meaningful relationship.
And they aren’t really going out of their way to think about what they want for themselves, how they feel emotionally, or how they’re going to find fulfillment in life. They see no need to make a change because they don’t realize they’re slowly moving from contentment to stagnation.
This is worse than realizing you have goals that you have to work towards because it means that you’ve reached a place of settling. And I think we all feel like that at some point. We feel good about where we’re living, have enough income to buy what we want, travel whenever we desire and have made it to a place of confidence and security, knowing it will continue at the same pace without much strain or effort on our part.
But the truth is that we were born to have desires, hopes, and dreams. So, whether you’re still setting goals and planning for your future, or you’re finding yourself again after a long pause - my goal is to give you ideas and encouragement for activating your sacral chakra, so you re-engage with the juiciness of life and find hope again.
The sacral chakra or Svadhisthana chakra is the second chakra in your 7 chakras and is related to fluidity, pleasure, creativity, and emotions. When the energy of the sacral chakra is blocked, we feel hopeless, lack desire, and find it difficult to enjoy pleasure in life. We feel stuck.
5 simple ways to open your sacral chakra
When you feel stuck, one of the first things you should do is something creative. How are you expressing yourself? Have you been avoiding doing something new? Think about it - when was the last time you did something just for fun? Made a mess? Created something without caring how it looked? When’s the last time picked up a paintbrush or a pen and just began to doodle?
As kids in school, we did it all the time. Drawing patterns and circles and lines while listening to the lessons of the day. Why not try it now while listening to your favorite podcast or music or watching that movie you’re not really into on Netflix? Grab a pen and paper and start doodling as you allow your mind to rest. This easy task can activate the energy of the sacral chakra.
With the recognition that you’ve moved from contentment to stagnation, the next step is to focus on how you can change it and get things moving in your sacral chakra again.
We all have smartphones with cameras so why not put them to good use and take some creative pictures? Keep it simple and have fun. Dog lovers, why not capture the essence of that cute face? Into the outdoors? There are flowers, insects, birds, sunrises, animals, and so much more!
Try taking different types of photos like action shots, portraits, still life photos, fashion pics, or photos of food, architecture, and landscapes. The key is not to overthink it - just do it!
Okay, next off, as we’re talking about how we can feel hopeful and get things moving in our lives again, let’s get into crystals that can clear stagnant energy from a blocked sacral chakra.
One of my favorite cleansing crystals is quartz and it just so happens that natural citrine is a variety of yellow quartz that resonates with healing emotional issues of the sacral chakra. It inspires creativity when the energy of the healing crystal is synchronized with your energy during meditation. All you have to do is hold it in your hand or place it on your body while meditating.
If you’re really feeling stuck - one of the best things to do is to move your body. Combine that with some creativity and cleaning to target the sacral chakra. Sometimes we take comfort in things feeling the same as they always have and looking the same and being in the same place. But we want to shake that energy up - right? So, why not rearrange the furniture?
Save this tip for a day when you have an hour or two to spare. Push the couch against a different wall, move those chairs, rearrange the pillows, move the rug, and pull back the tables. As you begin, you’ll find you want to vacuum and clean and dust and clear clutter - all of which will help you remove blockages from your sacral chakra.
Speaking of easy ways to activate the sacral chakra, one of the best ones is drinking water. Water keeps our bodies hydrated, and fluids flowing, and it is the element of the sacral chakra. Water is associated with flow, ease, and effortless movement.
If drinking water isn’t part of your daily routine, start with 8 glasses a day. You may need more or less, depending on how much you exercise and where you live (hot and humid weather can make you sweat so you’ll need to drink more).
Okay, that’s it! I hope these tips for opening the sacral chakra can get you motivated and back to feeling good, setting goals, having desires, and generally enjoying your life again!
I know it can feel daunting to try new things when you’re not even sure there is something wrong, so just start with one. Pick the one from the list that will be the easiest for you and as you gain momentum you can add more.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!