Spring Clean Chakras the Marie Kondo Way
It’s been a full year since I wrote this post and you know what? All the tips still apply today. Chakra cleansing can seem effortless when we attune it with spring cleaning and the cycles of rejuvenation, renewal, and regrowth. Just the other day I was washing walls and scrubbing floors when I realized that it was time for a good chakra cleansing as well. What a better time for a fresh start, refreshed energy, and more flow in our lives. Are you with me? Ready to recharge and get rid of some congestion in your chakra energy points? If so, check out this post where I’ve adapted some decluttering tips from Marie Kondo a tidying consultant, and applied them to the process of unblocking the chakra energy points in our bodies to help us feel better and bring more joy to life.
In case you didn’t know, Marie Kondo is a tidying expert who teaches people how to tidy their houses, get rid of clutter, and remove items that no longer bring them joy. Her method is called the KonMari method.
If you’re wondering how Marie’s method of clearing clutter relates to the spiritual energy points called chakras, decluttering and removing negative energy from your chakras can bring joy to your life just like decluttering your house can.
As I discussed in a previous post, chakras are the connection points between the aura and the physical body that act as filters to prevent low vibrational energy from entering our systems. Over the winter months, our chakras can get blocked up with stagnant energy due to decreased activity, lack of exposure to sunshine, and disconnection from nature. If the energy centers are not kept clear, their energetic frequency will drop leading to chakra blockages and feelings of imbalance, sluggishness, and confusion.
Tips for cleansing chakras
COMMIT TO CHAKRA CLEANSING. Marie’s first tip in cleaning your house is to commit. For cleansing chakras, you also must commit even though it may not be easy. As you implement strategies to open your chakras, the configuration of your energy points can change and you may find that you have reactions. These are known as healing reactions and can affect the mind while transforming and releasing old emotions held in the cellular consciousness of your body.
GET MOVING. Imagine your ideal life full of activity and joy, that’s Marie’s second tip. To counteract the lack of physical activity over the winter months you may have to motivate yourself to get outside and move. Imagine your ideal life full of health, happiness and activity then, get outside and go for a walk. Feel the solidity and support of the earth as you let it strengthen and cleanse stagnant winter energy from your root chakra.
DO A DIGESTIVE CLEANSE. Building upon Marie’s tip to finish discarding before tidying, springtime is a good time to remove waste buildup and toxins from the digestive system. Allowing for better assimilation of nutrients will activate and open the solar plexus chakra (Manipura chakra).
During the winter months, there is a tendency to eat heavier foods that overburden the digestive system. The heaviness of the food slows down the digestive process blocking the energetic flow of the solar plexus chakra. This leads to decreased self-confidence and feelings of isolation.
There are many digestive cleansing methods out there but a simple way to clear your overburdened digestive system is to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Their naturally high vibration will loosen stagnant energy from your chakras and increase your vibration which will help you feel better.
CONNECT WITH NATURE. The heart chakra (Anahata chakra) is associated with relationships and emotions such as peace and joy. Marie consistently discusses the importance of having a joyful life. As many people spend the majority of the winter months stuck indoors, by the time spring comes they feel isolated and alone.
Reconnecting with nature as the grass turns green and the trees start sprouting their leaves can counteract these feelings by opening the heart chakra. Go outside, open your arms wide and breathe in the fresh clean spring air to bring joy back into your life.
DRINK WATER. The sacral chakra (Svadhishthana chakra) is a vessel that nourishes the body. It is associated with the water element. Marie’s tip to give every item a home can be applied to cleansing the sacral chakra as this energy center is where feelings about the self originate.
The body is made up mostly of water so to enhance the water element and open the sacral chakra, drink at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of water a day (depending on your body type and activity level).
GIVE THANKS. Not all Marie’s advice is practical, she states that “some of it leads to the emotional and spiritual.” One of the most spiritual energy points in the body is the crown chakra (Sahasrara chakra).
The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is the connection to universal consciousness. The crown chakra can be activated by practicing gratitude, praying, giving thanks, and honoring the body.
PLAY MUSIC. Marie considers the frequency of use for items when decluttering the home. This tip cannot be applied to the spinning wheels of energy called the chakras as they are known in Sanskrit terms as the chakras are always in use.
Frequency, as a vibration however does apply to the chakras. In order for a chakra to function properly and allow for energy flow, it needs to spin quickly. Music and sound can affect the movement of a chakra by increasing its rate of spin which subsequently will release some chakra blockages. Tuning forks and singing bowls can be used as well. The throat chakra (Vishuddha chakra) is most closely associated with sound, vibrations, and communication.
Spring is synonymous with inspiration and new ideas so take advantage of this wonderful spring energy to play some music, get moving, get outside and connect with nature. Spring cleaning your house, vacuuming your vehicles, and many other rituals that are associated with the renewal of nature can support a great spring chakra cleanse as well.
It is also a good time to start a digestive cleanse and increase your water consumption to assist in the removal of low vibrational energy from your chakras. Don’t forget to take the time to visualize your future and give thanks for all the goodness in your life. Jump on board using these tips adapted from Marie to do your own version of the chakra spring cleanse so you can move forward with a clear body and mind while increasing joy in your life.
If you’re not sure which of your chakras are blocked, check out my post How do you know if your chakras are blocked?
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!