An Introduction to Chakra Smudging
I talked recently about how I started having trouble sleeping at night. Suddenly I was lying awake at 1 am staring at the ceiling and stressing about hosting a new weekly Chakra-themed call where people could join and ask questions and share their chakra cleansing experiences. I wanted it to go smoothly and get people engaged and collaborate with other women who were on this platform. All of a sudden, this dream became a quick reality as I started gaining followers, having co-hosts, and having people reach out to me even after the call was done. But the pressure I was putting on myself in the meantime was affecting my sleep. Have you ever had trouble sleeping at night? Thoughts rolling through your mind? Worried about doing something new? If so, welcome! You are in the right place. Here’s a little peek at how I started smudging my chakras to release the emotional clutter that I was picking up during my day. I found that by doing it I could nourish myself, think clearer, and get a full night’s sleep! If you want to learn more about burning aromatic herbs and using the smoke to cleanse the chakra energy points of your body- you’re in the right place!
As I planned out topics for the weekly discussions in my Chakra Circle room on Clubhouse, my brain started to spin a million miles an hour with possibilities. I thought of how stressful it would be for me to hold the space and allow the chakra-related conversations to organically unfold week after week. I loved it but I knew it was an edge for me and realized, I felt vulnerable. I felt like I would be opening myself up to criticism even though I knew cognitively it was not true. Has this ever happened to you? Felt fear when doing something new? Knew you needed to get past it but weren’t sure how? If this happens to you, be easy on yourself. Recognize that the fear you are feeling is probably something stuck in your cellular consciousness and it is something you work through. What did I do to get past it? I started cleaning!
What is chakra smudging?
I realized that getting rid of clutter and washing walls and cupboards and smudging my house was refreshing but it wasn’t helping me fully deal with the stress of my new weekly commitment. In a way, I felt like the spring cleaning distracted me during the day only so the fear of doing the call could consume my thoughts all night! So, I went inside. Inside myself that is, and I discovered that my energetic body needed cleansing as well.
Smudging is one of my go-to tactics when I need to clear stagnant energy from my space so, why didn’t I think of using it on my chakras earlier? I’m not sure but I’m glad I started doing it now.
In case you don’t know, smudging is an ancient practice where sacred herbs are burned to create smoke which is then used to purify body, mind, and spirit. Other names for smudging or similar processes to smudging are called herb burning, smoke cleansing, and saining.
The sacred smoke released from burning common herbs can be used to open energetic pathways between chakras, bring chakras into alignment, and clear out stagnant energy. Smudging is a slow methodical process that is to be carried out in a mindful manner creating a sense of ceremony.
Here are my tips for properly smudging your chakras so you can think clearer and sleep better as I did!
How to properly smudge chakras
It was this new sense of cleanliness that made me really appreciate what I could accomplish once I got out of my own way. I felt better after cleansing my chakras and found that I had buried myself so deep in my fears that I lost sight of what I could do. I lost sight of the fact that I used to facilitate multiple project meetings a day when I was in the corporate world. This was a good reminder for me.
Do you lose track of what you’ve already accomplished? Discount your abilities? Sell yourself short? I hear you; I do this too. Take a few minutes right now to think of your life, where’s the emotional clutter? Where do you feel it in your body? How is it preventing you from moving forward and taking appropriate actions? Are you struggling to think clearly? Do you feel that you’ve hit rock bottom when it comes to self-care? If so, try smudging your energy field and chakras, it may help.
Clearing and nourishing. For clearing chakras, use white sage, prairie sage, cedar, juniper, lavender, or a smudge stick containing a combination of the above. I pick my own sage and cedar so some of my herbs are loose and some are tied in a smudge stick.
For nourishing chakras after cleansing (to fill them back up with good energy) I use sweetgrass as it is believed that sweetgrass retains its spirit and fragrance long after it has been harvested and can change and shift the air element transforming one’s environment into a level of mystical elevation. (Beekman 1802)
To smudge your chakras, you’ll also need a fireproof container such as a large seashell or shallow dish, wooden matches, and a feather to waft the smoke. If you don’t have a large feather, your hand will work just as well.
When to smudge chakras
I smudge my chakras whenever I feel that I’ve picked up ‘heavy’ energy, feel confused, overwhelmed, stuck, or when I’m having trouble sleeping. I’ve also found that after I’m finished doing personalized sessions with clients and after I’ve hosted one of my live chakra calls, I smudge myself to clear low vibrational energy that I may have picked up along the way. If you’re having trouble sleeping or feel tired or exhausted, do some smoke cleansing!
There are no ‘rules’ when using the smoke of aromatic herbs like sage to cleanse your chakras - trust your instincts and do it as often as it feels right for you. Just remember, when you do it, take your time and slowly and mindfully waft the smoke over your body to receive the greatest benefit.
Check out my video below for more tips.
How to smudge chakras
There you have it, a sneak peek into how I use smudging to unblock chakras, clear congestion, nourish the chakras, feel lighter, think clearer, and sleep better. You’ve learned how to properly smudge your chakras with the smoke of aromatic herbs, when to smudge your chakras, and how easy it is for beginners to do it.
Ready to find out if your chakras are blocked? Take the chakra quiz and find out.