Your Heart’s Wisdom: Why You Should Listen
I think you know what you want. I think you’ve gone through some periods of personal growth and some tough times. I think you’re ready for a change, you want more fulfillment, and you want to be able to trust your instincts, follow your heart, and live the life you want to live. I think you’re ready, but you doubt yourself. Maybe you don’t know where to start. You want to figure out what you should do and are looking for guidance and how to find meaning in life but not sure if you’re looking in the right place. How do I know this about you? Because I’ve been there before. Not sure what you really want but you know you want a more meaningful life? Feel like there must be something more? Struggling to find it?
You have access to all the guidance and direction you need—it is inside of you right now in the wisdom of the heart. This post is an insider look at your heart’s wisdom, why you should trust it, and why it’s important to listen to it. Learn the key to self-transformation, how to find meaning in life, and why you want to tap into your heart's desires. Discover how to bridge the body-mind barrier, and guide your actions to bring you into alignment with your longing as you’re on the path to fulfillment.
Remember when you were a kid? You didn't have a care in the world - you used to do things that made you feel good. You didn't have to plan it all out. It didn't matter how you looked, or what others thought, you'd do things because they FELT right. What if you could feel like that again? Trust your instincts, feel “right” about what you are doing? Build trust in yourself and find a sense of inner peace? Here’s the thing, you can! This wisdom of the heart is a state of calm manifestation where the possibilities are endless. When you look at situations without interference of the mind, from a child’s perspective, feeling is the key. That means you have to feel into what’s right for you! Feel the energy of objects, do exercises, and make notes. Make life a tactile experience. When you connect what you feel in your heart and combine it with what you think in your mind, you can gain clarity in decision making.
If your curiosity has been tweaked or you’re wondering how tapping into your heart’s desires will benefit you, or even if you’re not sure if listening to your heart is right for you...ask yourself the following questions: Would you like to connect your feelings to more practical applications? Would you like clarity and certainty when making decisions? Would you like to trust your gut instincts? Would you like to find meaning in life? If so, gain awareness of what’s going on inside. It will help you remove obstacles in your way so the wisdom of your heart can be called upon. Awareness of and working with your obstacles allows you to be able to discern their impact and make new choices. When you align your heart and mind you can foster a sense of hope amid hopelessness.
What’s the best way to start something that seems overwhelming? Break it down into a series of small steps. That’s been my motto for life. Small steps make a big difference.
The body-mind barrier exists as a form of protection of self to preserve the two as separate for survival because if you were vulnerable always in your heart, humans would not have survived and thrived. The mind controls the functions of the body; the heart controls the inherent motivation to drive us forward. When you have two drivers of the same device that are not in unison, there is confusion.
Here’s how you can start your journey of self-transformation: feel your heartbeat. I mean really stop. Close your eyes, put your hand on your chest, and let yourself feel your heartbeat at a level beyond words. Many people don’t even stop to feel the strength of their heartbeat, let alone listen to its wisdom and align with its higher purpose.
The heartfelt love of self and others leads to trust and the ability to make decisions and decrease anxiety in today’s world. As stress increases in society, anxiety increases, so this technique can help calm and reconnect you to yourself, help you regain focus, and simplify your thought processes. This will help take you out of automatic mode and go back to manual processing for reconnection to yourself.
Not everything can be understood at the level of the mind - that’s why a lot of self-help strategies don’t work. Our longing isn’t something we can understand, it’s something we need to feel! There was a point in my life where I felt lost and didn’t know which way to turn. I had a good job, my kids were healthy, and I was living a good life. But I felt something was missing. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew deep down that I wanted my life to be different, more rewarding, and more fulfilling.
Can you relate? Do you have it all in life but still feel like there is something missing? Is your life meaningful? Do you feel fulfilled? If not, a quick way to pay attention to your desires is to bring something to mind that tweaks your fancy, makes your heart leap and sing, or something that helps you find that place of stillness within. What does it feel like in your body? How does it feel in your heart? Is your breathing easier? Are you feeling more relaxed? It may be a special relationship, a pet, family, sports, art, creativity, or boating.
Be curious, and suspend any judgment that may arise within yourself, for only you know what this is for you. As you become more familiar with these feelings enlivened in the wisdom of your heart you can use them to guide yourself through life.
Your heart’s wisdom gives you the ultimate power. I bet you have a list going with tons of ideas on how you can do this - right? But, what do you do first? Where do you start? Well, since I’ve been in your shoes before, I’ve created a brand new resource that walks you through five of my best exercises for connecting to your heart’s desires. It makes it super easy to tune in and listen to the messages of your body. You can grab the free guide at
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!