The Real Story Behind How I Started Tapping Into My Heart's Wisdom
My very first taste of my heart’s wisdom was a result of a friend’s comment to me at work. She was signed up for a session with an energy worker and told me I should go see her too. At that point in my life, I felt lost, didn’t know where to turn, felt like there must be something more to life and, I was struggling to find ways to help myself. Does this sound familiar? Are there times when you feel lost and unfulfilled? By the end of that session, I knew I wanted to learn more, and those two experiences were the start of my journey into the wisdom of my heart.
That makes it sound like it happened overnight, I began living a more meaningful life… I can assure you that wasn’t the case, but I can also tell you that tuning into your heart’s desires is totally in the realm of possibilities for self-transformation, if you want it.
In this post, I am walking through what my very first experience of tapping into my heart’s wisdom was like, how I developed the process that I teach today, and what tuning into the wisdom of your heart can help you with on your path to fulfillment.
To begin: if you’ve not sure what the term heart’s desire means, according to Merriam-Webster it is something that someone wants very much. Sure, that sounds easy enough for you to access, but if you’re like me, you doubt yourself. How can you find it? What will it feel like? How will you know that it is real? Where do you start?
Is this you too? Are you totally new to the concept of paying attention to how you feel and making decisions from that place? The good news is that it’s not too late. Yes, there are things you’ll need to learn, but let that excite you, not discourage you. I’ll walk you through my experience as a beginner so you can start a step or two ahead of where I was.
Learn how I started tapping into my heart’s desires, how I use the guidance of my heart’s wisdom in my life, and how connecting with my longing has helped me feel more fulfilled.
I’ve shared my story many times, and even though there are parts of it that I wish I could erase I’m still proud of how I managed to cope and get through it all. I have to confess that I tried a variety of methods to tune into my longing, listen to my heart’s wisdom, and raise my self-awareness, and many of the exercises are still part of what I use today.
But the thing I didn’t understand at first was that I had to get out of my head and into my heart. I tried to figure it out, tried to interpret what I was feeling, and did it with a self-demanding intention that I had to find answers to my deepest human desire. It was a self-defeating spiral that kept me in my head and now, looking back I can clearly see what I was doing wrong.
Those words kept going through my mind as I sat in a goddess meditation. I had NO idea what they meant at the time, but then again, I was still trying to understand what was going on instead of feeling into it.
For my next meditation, I knew I wanted to go deeper, and so I set my intention to surrender to whatever came to me. Do you need to understand things before you’re able to surrender? Are you uncomfortable when you don’t know the details? If it’s a struggle for you too - I get it. It’s a difficult thing to feel safe when you don’t know what’s going to happen. This happens when the higher chakras related to thinking are stronger than your lower chakras related to feeling. To balance this, you need to consciously adjust the energy flow distribution and activate the chakras that’ll help you feel.
I know, it’s a bit of a long-winded way of telling you that the words wash-rinse-repeat that came to me during the meditation meant that I needed to feel into what was right for me instead of thinking about it, keep my process simple, and do the same thing over and over. After that, I had my method...
After realizing that I couldn’t solve the dilemma of connecting with my heart’s desires in my usual manner, I began practicing a new way. I was determined to help myself, learn from others, and then pass my methods along to people who had lost their way as I did.
Wondering what tuning in to your heart’s wisdom can help you with? Why would you want to do it? Here’s the thing: I’ve used my heart’s wisdom to guide me with financial decisions, business planning, personal decisions, color choices, and even used it to help me choose the essential oils in my chakra bath salt blends! That’s because the wisdom of the heart is a state of calm manifestation where the possibilities are endless. By learning to listen to your heart’s wisdom, you can foster a sense of hope amid hopelessness while learning to feel it as a tangible sensation. Going through life like everyone else can be exhausting, so following where the heart leads and trusting in it will keep you in the direction you need to go. The key is finding this place first, then tying it back in with the mind for application in your life.
I know, I talked about how I developed my method to tap into my heart’s desires, what I use the guidance for, and how this process has led me to live a more meaningful life. But you could really be wanting to know where to start - right? You’re hesitant to take on something that feels like more work. You just don’t have the time or bandwidth to dedicate to it right now. Don’t worry - this isn’t difficult! I actually just created a brand-new free resource to help you get started. You can grab the whole thing which is a step-by-step walkthrough of five easy exercises at
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!