Here’s How to Tune Into Your Heart’s Desire Right Now
What’s the best way to start something that feels overwhelming? Break it down into a series of small steps. That’s what I am doing in this post. Giving you a way to begin listening to your heart’s desires so you can begin finding meaning in life - right now. If you’re not sure what I mean by your heart’s desire, check out this post: Your Heart's Wisdom: Why You Should Listen. It is key to understanding the concept so you can move forward and make some real changes in your life.
Now, in this post, I am walking through the idea of raising awareness so you can more easily listen to the wisdom of your heart by using the concept of synchronicity. Learn the meaning of synchronistic events, signs of synchronicity, how to interpret them, and how each of them can help you tap into your heart’s longing.
If journeying to your heart and listening to its wisdom seems a bit too big for you to consider right now, but you know you’re ready for self-transformation, working with the power of synchronicity is the best way to take action, start shifting your awareness and manifesting your best life on the path to fulfillment.
This is the first big question that must be answered...and it’s even something I asked myself. How is synchronicity related to tapping into the heart’s wisdom? Are synchronicities real? Can they really help us find meaning in life? To put it simply: Yes.
Synchronicities are events that are meaningful coincidences and can occur when you believe that the spirit of the past and the wondrousness of the present can all occur here at once.
Think about synchronicity like this, when everything goes smooth, it is easy, and things fall into place and we say they are in sync. Do you ever notice the same numbers over and over during a day? Do you dream of someone then run into them during your daily travels? Have you heard a song a thousand times but find one day the words go straight to your heart? These occurrences can be called synchronicities and are ways of getting us to pay attention to the subtleties in life. By fine-tuning your abilities to pay attention to the small stuff and raising your awareness of yourself and your environment, you can utilize synchronicities as tools for self-transformation. Here are some signs of synchronicity:
There is a lot of information in books and online about the significance of numbers and number sequences. It is believed that when we see the same number repeatedly, it is a sign in that there is a message that we need to hear.
Wonder why you keep seeing repeating numbers? What is the meaning of them? Why are the numbers in ones, twos, or threes? What does 111 stand for? These are all great questions. Here’s the thing: start paying attention. When you see them, write them down so you don’t forget and look them up when you get home. There are many resources available to help you interpret repeating numbers so choose one that resonates with you.
You may hear that you’re making it up. That you’re searching for answers in places that you won’t find them. That there is no way that this will help you find meaning in life. False. You can fine-tune your intuitive senses and raise your awareness to more easily connect and listen to your heart’s wisdom by paying attention to specific words or lines of songs.
Has it ever happened that you have heard a song a thousand times but never really listened to the words then one day, a line in that same song speaks right to your heart? Are there words that speak to you some days more than others? Do you hear one line of a song and start to cry for the first time? This happens to me all the time. And when it does, I take it as a sign that someone is trying to send me a message.
You may notice words in written form as well as verbal so pay attention to anything that makes you stop in your tracks and pay attention as there is usually a message to be had. Don’t try too hard to find these, just allow them to come to you or they will be of no value. Usually, if there is a message you need to hear, it will come to you in many forms or will be repeated many times until you begin to get it so don’t fear, allow the possibilities. This is a form of synchronicity and can be a key to tapping into the wisdom of your heart.
Looking back in my life, it’s crazy to think about all the times I’ve done this. Before I even knew the significance of receiving guidance, signs of synchronicities, and how they would lead me to listen to my heart’s wisdom, I still knew that it was important and worth paying attention to.
Do you need a message? Guidance? Or just some reassuring words? Set your intention, ask for it, then grab a book and open it to any page. If you’re like me, you’ll find that the first words you read are the ones that you need to hear the most. But don’t let yourself get discouraged if they don’t make sense to you, just try again later. It’s amazing how well this works and how appropriate the messages usually are when you trust your inner wisdom to give you what you need.
By paying attention to signs of synchronicities such as: repeating numbers, noticing lines and words in songs, and opening books to the perfect page, you’ll start tuning in to your heart’s wisdom. Working with the power of synchronicity is the best way to take action, start shifting your awareness, begin self-transformation, and find meaning in life. Don’t force any encounters just to justify your thoughts; but instead, allow them to happen and flow through your experience and examine them with genuine curiosity. By being in synchronicity with the present you do not have to worry about the future and the past as they are setting and done. The only opportunity for change is by tapping into your heart’s desire at this moment in time.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!