Hot Stone Massage and Chakras? How They Work Together
Who knew that having hot stones pressed into the bottoms of my feet would feel good, balance my endocrine glands, and clear my chakras? I was a bit skeptical but that’s exactly what happened when I went for my first hot stone massage.
When you decide to try something for the first time, you open yourself up to possibilities, as well as an opportunity to face your fears. The need for control fades out the window because it’s the need for control that can keep us stuck and prevent us from moving forward and trying new things.
Are you willing to try new experiences? Open to new possibilities? Let go of preconceived notions and immerse yourself in a new adventure? If so, read on to discover what a hot stone massage is, how the energy points it taps into are associated with the endocrine glands, and how opening the chakras in this way can balance the mind, body, and spirit.
I’m so excited to share all about my experience with this new spa treatment, what I learned about hot stone massages that I never knew, how it helped me relax, let go of my to-do list, take time for myself, and how I visualized the energy moving in my body to deepen my chakra opening personal wellness experience. My fellow busy women with mile-long to-do lists, this one is for you.
What is a Hot Stone Massage?
If you’re not familiar with what a hot stone massage is, it's a full body massage done with water-heated smooth stones. The therapist usually works in long strokes to relax muscles then places the heated stones on strategic points of the body to relieve tension, improve circulation, reduce lymphatic congestion, energetically balance the mind and body, and unblock the chakras.
Chakras and Endocrine Glands
Some massage therapists link the function of the chakras with the endocrine glands. For example, heated stones placed on the head can stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands. The pituitary is the master gland that controls the function of all the other endocrine glands and is associated with the crown chakra. The pineal gland produces melatonin which regulates sleep patterns and is linked to the third eye chakra.
Heated stones placed on the throat balance the thyroid gland, metabolism, and help clear the throat chakra. Stones placed over the heart activate the thymus gland, immunity, and the heart chakra. Those located over the solar plexus area of the body, work with the hormone-producing pancreas gland and the solar plexus chakra. Stones situated in the abdominal area clear the sacral chakra as well as balance the ovaries and testes glands. And, stones located near the root chakra are used to open the bursa which cushion movement between bones, tendons, and muscles near joints. Even though the bursa are technically not glands - I’ve listed them here.
I felt stressed. My fuse was short, I hadn't slept well the night before the session, and it was hard for me to settle myself down. So, even after I got to my massage appointment, it took me a while to relax enough to let the stones do their work. The therapist started by massaging my legs first then, she moved to my arms. As she placed a hot stone under my right hand and another on a point under my right shoulder, I felt a deep ache I didn't even know was there. I felt it all the way down to my fingers. It caught me off guard but, I found that as I focused on the sensation, everything on my schedule drifted away and didn’t matter so much anymore. My to-do list was put on the shelf while I immersed myself in the experience.
Do you ever feel like you can't settle down your mind even when you physically slow down? If so, here’s a tip: immerse yourself in the moment. Focus on the sensations in your body without trying to understand what is going on or anticipate what is coming next. By being fully present and in tune with the sensations you are experiencing you’ll be able to relax and more likely be able to return to your life with a renewed sense of vitality.
I tell everyone I meet that I love spa treatments. I’ve always loved pampering myself, and my early days as a child were spent putting makeup on a mannequin's head and doing her hair over and over again. Nail polish - you bet, that’s my thing! However, after I graduated from high school, I decided to study Microbiology instead... temporarily leaving my beautician days behind me.
Pursuing a career in the laboratory while being a mom to young children and being able to have relaxing spa treatments wasn’t an option. If it wasn’t one was the other. Can you relate? Are you pursuing a career while trying to juggle many facets of your life? Find it difficult to pamper yourself? And, when you do, is it hard for you to relax and enjoy it? If so, you’re not alone. It’s tough to turn off our brains long enough to let our batteries recharge - especially when we’re stressed and need it the most!
Here’s the thing: when you book a hot stone massage, give yourself ample time to enjoy the experience. What do I mean? If you know parking is going to be an issue, plan ahead. Allow extra time to find a parking spot. Try to check in for your appointment at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time, let them get you some water or tea, and allow yourself to decompress a bit before you even get on the table. After you’re done, take your time getting dressed, have another tea, take in what the spa has to offer, and let yourself linger in the lobby to look at the beautiful products they sell. By arriving early and staying late you are reinforcing the relaxation experience in the cells of your body. You’re creating a sensory EXPERIENCE instead of just getting a massage.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the theory that people are either left-brained or right-brained, but have you ever heard that they can also be energetically left-sided or right-sided? You bet! If your left side is more energetically dominant than your right side, you’ll exhibit more qualities of femininity, receptivity, and passivity. And if your right side is more dominant energetically, you’ll be more assertive, forward-moving, and ambitious.
How does it relate to having a hot stone massage to clear the chakras? Well, as the hot stones are placed on your hands and feet, your body will try to balance the energy left to right and right to left. And you can make it flow easier by visualizing the energy movement at the same time. That’s right. Focus on feeling any internal movements. Then, let your awareness follow the gentle movement as it flows through your body, balancing your energetic field from side to side. This can serve a couple of purposes: first, it can help you feel more grounded by calming anxiety and balancing your root chakra. And it can help you relax even further allowing more tension and stress to leave your body.
I can’t say for sure that my endocrine glands were affected by the treatment but, I do know that I felt congestion releasing from my body, my stress levels significantly decreased, my mind was more peaceful after the session, and my energy field and chakras were more balanced.
Before you book your massage, make sure you check out the contraindications of the treatment. As per this website, “Hot stone therapy is not recommended for anyone with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, varicose veins, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, decreased pain sensitivity, recent wounds, areas of weakened or inflamed skin, tumors, metal implants, recent chemotherapy, radiation or surgery or are on medication that thins the blood.” Also, they recommend that if you think you may be pregnant, let your therapist know.
Whether you’re trying a hot stone massage for the benefit of your chakras, trying it for the first time, or are already familiar with it, you will find it deeply relaxing while balancing your body, mind, endocrine glands, and chakras.
I invite you to take my chakra quiz to learn more about your chakras and where you’re blocked. It’ll help you determine your strongest chakra and weakest chakra, and you’ll find out what your chakras tell you about your life.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!