Overcoming Emotional Eating: A Client Success Story
Investing time and money in personal self-care is not easy. It doesn’t always feel like an ultimate spa adventure. In fact, sometimes, it can be scary. Especially when part of your self-care plan is to finally release what’s holding you back. You’re ready to get rid of those voices in your head that tell you that you’re not good enough, pretty enough, or smart enough - right? Ready to release those stuck emotions? Emotional triggers that cause you to overeat? Words that send you into a self-defeating spiral? Prevent you from moving forward? But you’re afraid to feel the feelings. Afraid of what’s going to be revealed. Then, you take the plunge. You go for it. You’re all in...and soon, you start to feel lighter and the emotional triggers lose their power over you. You’re telling all your friends how good you feel.
This client decided to take the plunge and do a series of Cellular Consciousness sessions with me to get to the root of her eating disorder. These sessions are unequaled when it comes to gaining insights, balancing chakras, and releasing unprocessed emotions without having to re-experience them on a cognitive level. And... that’s exactly what my client has done over the last six weeks. But investing in herself wasn’t a decision that came lightly. Her fear and reservations could have prevented her from releasing her emotional triggers - could have held her back from releasing the pieces of consciousness stuck in her chakras from childhood. Is this you? Are you standing on the outside looking in thinking, sure, I could face those old emotions and release them once and for all, but should I? Could I really do it?
That’s why I’ve written this post. To share her story in hopes that it will help you decide if you’re ready to move forward. You know better than anyone what it’s like to be in your shoes, debating if you’re ready to take better care of yourself. You’ll learn the root cause of her overeating disorder, the chakra associated with it, how it affected her, and in her own words...how she was able to move forward.
My client had a great career, with ample time for self-care but found that she just didn’t prioritize it. She knew that she sabotaged herself by overeating, admitted that she looked for belonging outside of herself, and lacked confidence in her own abilities. Do you feel like that? Struggle with self-care? Lack confidence in your own abilities? Always need to get approval from others? If so, your solar plexus chakra may be blocked or damaged like it was for her.
The solar plexus chakra energy point is found right below the ribcage on the front of the body and mid-back on the back of the body. The back aspect of the chakra is related to self-actualization, getting things done, and pursuing a meaningful life that allows self-expression. The front aspect of the solar plexus chakra is related to self-confidence and self-expression.
If the solar plexus chakra is blocked by emotions that you’re holding onto from childhood or has structural damage, it can prevent you from expressing who you really are as it did for my client. A blocked solar plexus chakra can make us fall victim to emotions like abandonment, not feeling like we’re good enough, and therefore it can prevent us from showing up for ourselves and expressing who we really are.
Having a Cellular Consciousness release experience allows people to discard more than their fears. Behavioral manifestations of emotional blockages such as overeating and a lack of self-confidence can disappear as well. Gaining insights into what is stuck in a chakra is often enough to shift the energy and release it.
This client invested in sessions and committed to starting her journey of emotional self-awareness and healing her food additions. Her journey was off to a great start when we sensed the consciousness of a 14-year-old girl stuck in her solar plexus chakra energy point.
You might think I’m about to tell you that that was all we found. But that’s not what happened. We also found the consciousness of a 9-year-old girl stuck in there as well. What this means is that these ages were significant in my client’s development. She had had experiences at these points in her life where she was unable to process emotions so, she buried them deep inside. When she did that, the emotions blocked her solar plexus chakra and prevented it from functioning properly. See the drawing of her solar plexus chakra above.
Since the solar plexus chakra is associated with self-care, self-love, personal power, and boundaries, any emotional blockage or damage to the chakra can cause those feelings to remain unprocessed. The unexpressed emotions directly affected my client’s life.
By working with the consciousness of the 14-year-old girl and the 9-year-old girl, we discovered that my client was overeating to replace the love she felt she was missing in her life. Through a series of Cellular Consciousness sessions, we allowed the emotional consciousness to release and integrate back into her system. This allowed the energy flow to return to her solar plexus chakra energy point, giving her a renewed sense of self-love, personal power, and stronger boundaries with others.
This client’s story shows what is possible when you’re ready to shift your mindset that will lead to freedom from stuck emotions, long-held beliefs, and not to mention, for her, a way to deal with her eating disorder.
How did this post make you feel? Do you hear yourself in her challenges and dream of her success? We all have the power to live the life of our dreams free of stuck emotions. If you want to learn more about Cellular Consciousness and unprocessed emotions, click here to download my free eBook.
“Della’s healing came into my life at the perfect time in my healing journey. There were things I couldn’t access on my own and Della got to the root of these things. Della brought healing light to issues from my past and beliefs I held about myself. I wanted transformation and freedom from my past. Working with Della brought me this. I know I am loved and that it is okay to ask for help. I have a healthier relationship with food now. I am working on setting healthy boundaries. I have greater self-awareness and I can see my life has more balance and happiness now. By being completely honest with Della and by being committed to do the exercises on a daily basis I was changed for the better. Thanks, Della!”
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!