The Secret to Calming Yourself in Uncertain Times
With the stress of the pandemic and changes in school and work, many of us have been left feeling confused. It’s created anxiety in our lives that we may not have been aware of before. I feel it, and I’m sure you do too. What if I told you that there was a simple way you could help yourself and your loved ones? From using colors to breathing tips, all the way to unblocking chakras, I have a way that will help you. What if there was a secret to calming yourself in uncertain times? Would you be willing to try? These go-to anxiety-reducing tactics will make you feel better, give you clarity, and reduce stress. Regardless of what you do, here are my sure-fire ways to help you gain self-awareness, and feel better.
If you’ve never given a second thought to the importance of color in your life, now’s a good time to start. Did you know that color can cause reactions, change your thinking, and change the way you are feeling? Why not use it to help yourself feel better? All you have to do to fill your legs with color is close your eyes and visualize the color red. Draw this color up into your legs, expand it and allow it to fill every muscle and cell. Take your time, go slowly, and feel into the experience. Notice how your anxiety level decreases and how much more grounded you feel after you’re done. For more tips to reduce anxiety, check out this post.
Just because we’re in a pandemic doesn’t mean you can’t plan for the future. In fact, taking the time now to jot down a few ideas of where you want to go and what you want to do may help you when things get up and running again. Feeling a bit unclear? Don’t know where to start? Just close your eyes and imagine the color purple. Inhale the purple and draw it in through your forehead. As you exhale, push the color out through your forehead. Continue this color breathing cycle for 10 minutes a day to feel better, enhance clear thinking, and get your plan up and running! To learn how to use color breathing to open all of your chakras, click here.
As someone who got her start working as a sales clerk at Eaton’s, surrounded by a lot of people, I can’t say enough about taking while light showers to clear and protect your energy field. In-person gatherings may get canceled this year, but virtual gatherings are on the rise. Energetically, they have the same effect on us. Here’s what to do: close your eyes and imagine a bright white light above your head. As you inhale, draw the white light down through the top of your head as if it was water falling from a shower. On each inhale, carry the white light all the way down to your feet, filling your energy field front and back. If you love the way this technique makes you feel - do it more often to cleanse the energetic debris you pick up throughout your day!
There you have it. My go to anxiety reducing tactics to help you feel better by grounding your energy, give you clarity by unblocking your third eye chakra, and help you reduce stress by strengthening your energy field and clearing energetic debris. You don’t need to spend a bunch of time and money buying things you’ll never use. Just harness the power of your imagination, color and your breath to enhance your life and help you feel better!
Download my free color breathing guide and start today!
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!