4 Ways to Activate Reciprocity - The Law of Karma
Watching women succeed motivates me to continue pursuing my unique path and finding ways to teach and empower others. In doing so I’ve noticed some common ways successful women practice reciprocity and activate the law of karma in their lives.
Yes, their days are full of activities that propel them forward in pursuit of their goals yet, they are able to take time to exchange knowledge and ideas freely with grace and ease. Today, I’m sharing four ways I’ve seen them activate karma that I try and incorporate into my life. See if you can add a few of them too.
Simply, karma is the law of cause and effect. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
How to Activate Karma in the Root Chakra
As an entrepreneur, let me ask you this: Are you afraid that if you share what you know for free, people will not purchase your products or services? I’ve found that this is not true. If you practice reciprocity, share knowledge, and teach others how to improve their own lives, you will be seen as an expert and they will come to you for your products and services. Have the self-assurance that you are doing the right thing. Trust your gut instincts.
If you are building an online business, create freebies that will help others and establish your place as an expert. Personally, share solutions that have worked for you. Practicing reciprocity can be easy. Offer knowledge and skills without expecting monetary compensation and trust that doing so will bring you more of what you desire in life.
I have to smile at this one. Listening is powerful when trying to connect with others. If you don’t stop and take the time to listen, why should others listen to you? Being fully present and grounded helps activate your root chakra and set in motion the Law of Karma which states that “there are reactions to our actions, consequences to our choices and that there is a simple relationship between cause and effect.” - Deepak Chopra.
To activate the Law of Karma in your life, stop, listen, stay present and focus on what someone is saying when they are talking to you. You don’t need to give them a solution, all you have to do is listen.
It may be tempting to gossip and complain about what isn’t going right in your life but, we all know that successful women push themselves to stay positive daily. The positivity they give out comes back to them. sO, A few ways you can shift your mindset include practicing gratitude, reviewing accomplishments, and setting small attainable goals.
I'm like you, I'd love to have someone sitting next to me or down the hall to bounce ideas off over an afternoon coffee; but when you work alone, you don't have that option and it can be frustrating. I miss the casual conversation, the laughs, and yes, some days even the tears.
A lot of times it may be tempting to isolate yourself but you always know how important it is to get out, connect and talk to other people. Successful women push themselves to talk to people, ask questions, and show interest in what is going on around them, give compliments, and engage in conversation. You can do this too. Put yourself out there, step out of your comfort zone and go the extra mile to connect to others. Don’t overthink it, just do it!
Reciprocity and the Law of Karma are most active in your root chakra and you can activate them by connecting to elemental forces, sharing your knowledge and skills, listening, maintaining a positive attitude, and connecting with others. Motivate yourself to move forward with ease while meeting your basic needs - that is the true Law of Karma.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!