What you Really Need to Know About Past Lives
If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you know by now that Cellular Healing is my thing. My client sessions are an intimate place where I work with their Cellular Consciousness, encourage them, and help them release what’s been holding them back. Sometimes, the release includes remnants of past lives.
Listen, I get it. You may be wondering if past lives are a thing. The possibility that you’ve lived many lives sounds overwhelming - doesn’t it? You may fear exploring past lives and how they connect to each other especially considering they can still be with you today. I get it, I was in your shoes once and I dragged my feet for a long time before I began exploring mine. The truth is that I was doing fine but my curiosity was big and I could have never gotten to where I am today without exploring my past lives and releasing some of the fear that was holding me back.
If you’re fearful, I want you to reframe how you think about past lives. Consider them as an opportunity to journey into your past, increase self-awareness; learn how your body can hold memories and how you too can release what’s been holding you back.
As you’ve gone through life (this one and others) you have had experiences. If you were unable to process emotions related to those experienced at the time of the events, you may have held the emotions somewhere in your body. These held emotions are what I call your Cellular Consciousness. They affect your beliefs, health and can prevent you from moving forward in life. Over time, the original unprocessed emotions held in your body attract other similar experiences and emotions. This creates a conglomeration of stuck energy which can actively influence everything you do, every decision, and every move you make.
There are many who undertake the journey into their past lives in pursuit of a spiritual experience. Others are simply curious. Yet some cite practical reasons as they believe they can heal physical and emotional symptoms by remembering past life traumas. Many times the mere act of remembering a past life trauma will allow symptoms to clear up. Whatever your reason is for exploring past lives, make sure you pay attention to how you feel.
Let’s back up for a minute. Before you determine how to explore past lives, it’s important to pay attention to how you feel NOW. Do you notice deja-vu feelings, unexplained pain in your body, or have a severe phobia without a known cause? What about repeating patterns in your life? Do you experience anxiety when you think about the reincarnation process? Is there something interfering with your current life in a negative way that you just can’t put your finger on? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, consider them clues that will help you determine where to look for the greatest healing in this lifetime.
“we may carry the imprint of emotional trauma from a past life into the next one.”
There are countless ways to access a past life: meditate or journal about recurring dreams, use guided recordings, connect with your Cellular Consciousness, have a session with a trained hypnotherapist, or schedule a Past Life Regression. If you’re curious, able to expand your awareness, and release judgment you’re a good candidate. Be open to whatever comes up for you. You don’t have to believe that you’ve existed before in order to access past lives for healing and resolve issues you have today.
If you’ve never worked with past lives before, I would suggest you begin with meditation and journaling about your dreams. Before meditation, set an intention to receive information to help you in this lifetime. Let go of agendas and open yourself to experience whatever arises. It may take several attempts before you’re able to relax enough to obtain past life information. Take your time and don’t get attached to the outcome. For using journaling about dreams as a way to access your past lives, set your intention to receive information in your dreams that will help you in this lifetime before going to sleep. As soon as you wake, begin your journaling process in order to capture as many details as possible. Don’t try to interpret details, just let them flow onto the paper and capture as much as you can remember. Consider these practices as journeys into self-awareness.
“If your body is crying out and telling you that something is wrong but you just can’t put your finger on it. Learn to listen. Learn to listen to your body quietly and deeply from a place of non-judgment and universal love and allow your cells to freely communicate their messages to you.”
After meditating and journaling about your dreams you’ll have gained insights into what is holding you back. From there, you can begin connecting with your Cellular Consciousness to help you release stuck emotions from this lifetime. Frequently, the release of stuck emotions from this lifetime will allow a person to move forward with ease; therefore, there will not be a need to go into their past lives for resolution. As per Dr. Brian Weiss, a traditional psychotherapist who has used past-life therapy to cure many patients says, “it’s not always necessary to discover our past lives in order to live better lives in the present as not all of our problems have their source in the past.” If you choose to go deeper and explore your past lives for the spiritual experience, curiosity, or even practical reasons, consider using hypnotherapy or Past Life Regression.
If you want to delve deeper into your past lives or have a specific goal in mind, schedule hypnotherapy or a PLR session. Both will help you go directly into a past life without having to resolve stuck emotions from this lifetime. Working with a therapist will allow you to be directed to specific times and places. You may feel like you are going into a trancelike state. Don’t worry; you will remember everything that happens during the session. You’ll also be able to recall details of your past life after you’re done. PLR is a form of hypnosis that takes you into a state of focused relaxed concentration. Going through a Past Life Regression will allow you to find answers you have been seeking which may help you in your current life. It’s a journey. Take your time and choose a practitioner wisely.
After you’re done you may feel like you’ve made it all up. How do you know for sure? It can be difficult to tell in the beginning. The more practice you have, the easier it gets and the more you trust the information. Try not to overanalyze it. Spend time journaling about your experience to gain additional clarity and to determine if it feels right to you.
If your experience was very different than a normal daydream, it was probably from a past life. If you were able to remember historical details without prior knowledge or speak a foreign language not previously known, yup, it was probably from a past life. Also, if you felt an emotional charge without rationale or healed symptoms without changing things you most probably accessed a past life.
It is normal to wonder if you have had multiple lifetimes. You are complex and are a collection of everything you’ve ever experienced. Whether you believe in past lives or not, a powerful emotional healing can occur from exploring them. Insights gained can help you determine the causes of current blocks in your life, eliminate the effect of past traumas and help you move forward with ease.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!