Re-Center Your Internal GPS
Each one of us is born with a very intelligent personal navigation system or, to use a more popular term - global positioning system (GPS). And, it's important to use and re-center your internal GPS OFTEN to optimize your health and find the greatest joy in life.
Your internal GPS is also called your intuition, alignment, or a deep sense of knowing. The only way I have found to help myself get back on track when I feel I've taken a wrong turn is to CLEANSE-HYDRATE-REST-MEDITATE (in no particular order).
You may find that when things are going smoothly in life - everything falls into place and life feels easy - there is no struggle, then - something happens to knock you off-center. All of a sudden you feel thrown off your path! Suddenly your original "destination" no longer feels right, you may feel like a FAILURE, start getting DEPRESSED and start OVEREATING.
I've been there! In fact, just recently my career was going as planned, I was working hard, doing speaking events, teaching, and all the other things that I do when - I began to feel out of sorts. I found myself struggling and questioning my decisions when, thankfully, my phones' GPS enlightened me!
It happened as I was driving in a strange city and took a wrong turn. The GPS on my phone kept trying to correct my path which I found frustrating; but, I realized how my INTERNAL GPS had been trying to do the same thing - I just wasn't listening! I needed to re-center my internal GPS
When I set my goals earlier in the year, I didn't account for the possibility that they would change. So, my realization while driving was that what I was feeling was the universes' way of getting me to re-group, pay attention and adjust my internal compass!
Every day we make choices to support our personal growth and, if successful - we grow and change. What may have felt right in the past may not feel right now so, our goals have to change based on our new perspective or we feel out of alignment.
I took a Himalayan Salt Bath. It helped me cleanse my energetic field and helped me release whatever I had picked up from other people. Make sure you cleanse your house, your surroundings, your body, and your energetic field. When you feel lost in life - you need a clear space to think!
I increased my water consumption. I didn't realize that I hadn't been drinking my usual amount of water. Drinking plenty of water will help your body flush out toxins (especially if you do the Himalayan Salt Bath) and it will increase the vibration of your energetic field to help you clear any feelings of being "stuck".
When your energetic field is congested - you may feel UNABLE TO FOCUS and even feel CONFUSED. This can prevent you from making good decisions.
I also realized I hadn't been sleeping well, so I made sure I had a nice bath before I went to bed, turned off my phone, and allowed myself time to decompress from my busy day.
Turn off your mobile phone. Stay off your computer. Minimize the amount of TV you watch. And, if you do watch TV make sure it’s positive and uplifting. Avoid the news. You can also listen to some inspirational music.
This is my first go-to when I feel knocked off balance. It helps me regain focus and clarity so I can make better decisions. Any quiet time spent in contemplation will help wonders! It will allow you to take some time for yourself and just re-connect to who you really are.
By cleansing, hydrating, resting, and meditating you can allow yourself to organically begin to re-align with your internal GPS. Practice great self-care a little bit every day, and soon you will see and feel the results!
You may have to adjust your internal GPS and change your path often to reflect growth in your personal life and - IT'S OK! It WILL help you reach your "destination" in a quick, effective, and efficient manner without too many wrong turns.
Continue aligning with what feels right for you. Modify your original plan a little bit at a time until it feels right. Make sure you start from where you are instead of trying to figure out where you got off track. Allow your INTERNAL COMPASS to align with the growth and progress you’ve made in life!
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!