How Your Chakras Tell Your Story
Chakras have consciousness and unique structural characteristics which when looked at as a whole can indicate expression of the personality. This is how your chakras tell your story. In my previous posts about chakras, chakra blockages, and cellular consciousness I provide background information about chakra basics, chakra structure, and chakra consciousness. In this post, I will discuss how chakras can be seen, how the information about chakra consciousness and chakra structure affect the personality, and I walk through a couple of my pencil chakra drawings.
I’m not going to lie. What I’m about to tell you may seem to be a bit ‘out there’. As someone who’s struggled with being different, I’ve never really known how to talk about this and wondered how others could possibly understand it without getting inside my head. Well, here goes! I ‘see’ chakras. No, I don’t necessarily ‘see’ them with my physical eyes; I ‘see’ them by deeply connecting and using all of my senses at the same time to gather information.
Can chakras be seen?
Chakras cannot necessarily be seen visually as they are subtle spinning wheels of energy (the Sanskrit word for ‘chakra’ means ‘wheel’). One must use multiple senses to connect with the energy of chakras then interpret the information to form a picture. Therefore, chakras are both real and conceptual.
How do chakras tell your story?
Each chakra is associated with the expression of a different aspect of the personality. Assessing each individual chakra or all seven chakras at the same time, front and back, side to side, inside and out, can provide a lot of information that can be compiled into a person’s story. The story can include information about how they act, how they feel, where they are stuck in life, their strengths, weakness and even provide some information about their past. The information gained can provide insights that can be used to improve one’s life. I discuss the significance of one of my chakra drawings below in this short video.
Chakra drawing of someone who is stubborn and driven
Chakra Drawings
Each chakra is unique and has a specific shape and spin pattern that can be affected by several factors causing the chakra to get blocked, damaged, and unable to function properly. Chakra blockages and damaged chakras give indications about what has happened to the person in the past. These characteristics affect the expression of the personality.
As I work with clients’ chakras, I do chakra drawings as part of my session notes. Below is a chakra drawing of a client’s sacral chakra who was abused as a child. The abuse caused trauma that got stuck and was being held in the dark rings around the chakra vortex. The stuck energy of the trauma prevented the sacral chakra from functioning properly. It also showed up in the personality as this client felt very stuck in life and unable to move forward. By identifying where the trauma was held, it could be released to allow the sacral chakra to regain full function and slowly shift the expression of it in the personality.
How chakras tell your story:
each chakra has a consciousness associated with it
each chakra expresses an aspect of the personality
chakras show what a person is like
chakras show where a person is stuck
chakras hold emotions and past experiences
Below is a chakra drawing of a sacral chakra of someone who was feeling hopeless and lacking desire. The configuration of the chakra shows that it was unable to properly take in energy. The lack of energy flow in the sacral chakra made the person feel hopeless. They were unable to take in pleasurable experiences. The chakra was repaired and it regained full function.
Assessing the consciousness and structure of each individual chakra or all seven chakras at the same time, front and back, side to side, inside and out, one can compile a person’s story and get insights into where they are stuck in life. This will allow them to move forward, repair the damage, release what is held in their chakra cellular consciousness, and make conscious choices to support the life they want to live.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!