Chakra Clearing on a Budget
When it comes to taking care of yourself, for most of us, the money topic can get in the way. I hear women say they can’t clear their chakras because they can’t afford spa days or healing sessions with singing crystal bowls and aromatherapy, but I always wonder if they’ve tried doing things that are easy on the pocketbook? Things that are free? Ones that they can use to balance their chakras at home? I think if I’m going to share information about spa treatments and sessions to balance chakras, I should also share the budget-friendly options to use to unblock your chakras yourself, where to find them, and how they work, so today I want to talk about chakra cleansing in another light.
If you’re on a budget, there isn’t an endless supply of money which means that you have to be careful about what you spend and sometimes have to face the reality in that paying your bills takes priority over self-care treatments and that means that you have to cut out the things you enjoy and the things you need the most! Like spa visits and hot stone massages and chakra balancing sessions that would help you unblock your chakras.
So in this post, I’ve got some budget-friendly tips for you because I’ve been where you are… looking for those easy ways a beginner could balance their chakras in an affordable way at home.
Chakra Clearing on a Budget
Have fun doing this! Color breathing for chakras is a simple meditative practice that can be used by beginners and advanced meditators alike to clear, charge and unblock chakras. I wrote a post about it a while ago which is still valid to this day! Check it out, its free, fun, great for beginners, and… the best part is that you can do it anywhere.
Chakra clearing on a budget is the way to go, right? From guided meditations to walking meditations to group meditations, these meditation tips for beginners will help those who want to learn how to use meditation to balance their chakras themselves.
You could walk on a treadmill or an elliptical but there’s something about connecting with the energy of nature (regardless of the weather) and letting it remove the residue in our chakras from stress, worry, and other emotional by-products. It gives us an extra boost that replaces lower vibrational negative energy with a positive, higher vibration that is refreshing.
Saltwater is well known to clear the energy field and regenerate our bodies (and souls), but did you know that it can also unblock your chakras? You bet! Especially if you’re like me and live in the middle of the prairies, you don’t have much exposure to saltwater so when you do - I bet it has a profound effect on you!
If you can’t be near the ocean, take advantage of the type of water you do have access to like lakes, rivers, and ponds. Even swimming pools, hot tubs, bathtubs, and showers will help clear some of the stagnation out of your system.
Yes, I know I’ve talked about using Himalayan salt baths for unblocking chakras - that’s because it works! You’ll have buy the Himalayan salt but it’s relatively inexpensive and easy for beginners to find.
Sometimes when we get stuck in our routines it can hamper our progress and clog up our chakras. Change takes effort and leads to transformation which can get things moving again.
Take a new route to work and make your brain think about where you’re going instead of cruising on automatic. Go somewhere new to eat or to buy groceries or to get gas in your car… anything you do to break your routine will help open your third eye chakra and broaden your horizons.
You may even be inspired along the way and activate some energy in your crown chakra.
Yes, I’m talking about putting down your phone turning it off, leaving it behind, and staying away from it for a day or so!
Even though we don’t think looking at it triggers us and hampers the energy of our chakras, it does. I find myself scrolling on Facebook or Instagram and suddenly feel depressed or get into the ‘woe is me’ game or start judging myself wishing I had more instead of being happy with what I’ve got.
Does that sound familiar? Comparing yourself and your life to others online? If so, unplugging is just what you and your chakras need. While you’re at it, don’t sit in front of the TV or the computer instead, do something different, something creative, something for yourself! Even if it’s reading a book or taking the dog for a walk or going outside or taking a nice long bath or cleaning your closet or cooking, it doesn’t matter as long as you stay away from any triggers that will get you comparing yourself to others. It’ll reinforce your self-confidence and your sense of who you are and how unique you are and how special you are which are all qualities you hold in your solar plexus chakra.
The sacral chakra is the seat of creativity so if you’re wanting to learn some easy ways to enhance creativity and open the sacral chakra when it is blocked - do something creative. It doesn’t have to cost a lot to be effective, you could rearrange furniture, hang some new pictures, paint something or sit down with a coloring book.
There you have it my cost-cutting tips for opening your chakras that are easy to do, easy to implement, and will get you pretty quick results. I’m going to keep working on finding more because taking the financial pressures off of yourself can mean you can relax, feel safe, and open your chakras even more!
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!