What to Expect in Chakras on a Scorpio Full Moon
We’ve made it into a Scorpio full moon after going through the Libra full moon where we were focused on our relationships and trying to find balance within them. As the moon goes through Scorpio now the focus shifts to intensity, transformation, and the ability to get in touch with deeply felt emotions.
When the full moon arrives as the cycle goes… it’s a time to release what’s been standing in our way of uncovering our own power.
Where are your fears? Blockages? What heaviness do you carry that is preventing you from moving forward? Whatever your struggle is with your emotions, now is the time to peacefully let them go and move on!
In this post, I’ll talk about your chakras on a Scorpio full moon, the power of the full moon in Scorpio, walk through the concept and influence of its elemental force and share the most prominent chakra that will be present so you can work with the incoming energy in a way that is to your advantage in your life and career.
Ready to look at the zodiac, the Scorpio full moon, and chakras and understand where healing is possible for you?
Simply put, it depends on which zodiac sign the full moon travels through. Your chakras on a Scorpio full moon are different than on a Libra full moon and different than how they react to an Aries full moon.
As the moon moves through the zodiac signs astrologists believe that its travel influences our life, much like the sun does. (lunaf.com) So, let’s look at what you can expect in your chakras on the Scorpio full moon.
What to Expect in the Chakras on a Scorpio Full Moon
Regardless of what your moon sign is, we all feel the influence of the moon in Scorpio a few days a month. Your tendencies to be intense, passionate, and ambitious may be heightened or you may find during this time your emotional complexities push you to extremes where you over-react or totally block yourself from feeling anything.
Is there something you’ve been wanting to change but have been putting off? Ready to get to the bottom of an ongoing issue? Finish something? Want to get rid of old things (emotions) that have been weighing you down? This may be a time when they come to the surface for you to be healed.
When the full moon is in Scorpio, we live for growth and transformation and will face any emotions that are standing in our way of uncovering things that are holding us back.
“Transformation can indeed be painful and uncover things from the shadows that we need to deal with” (foreverconscious.com)
Finish unfinished projects or discard them if they no longer resonate with you and move on to find the satisfaction you seek during this time.
Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio are zodiac signs that embody the water element and its ability to reach great depths.
For this reason, water signs are usually intense and can be influenced by the moon reaching a maximum intensity of emotions by feeling withdrawn, magnetic, or both at the same time! Understanding the elemental influence of Scorpio and the chakras brings a greater understanding of the dynamics of our energetic exploration of emotions.
Want to get to the bottom of things? Flush out those emotional blockages so you can deal with them and move on? If so, the water element influence is at work for you on this full moon.
Staying grounded and centered in your body will bring in the earth element and some stability while you go through this transition and offset the intense emotional effects of the water element in a transitory Scorpio.
Scorpio’s all about intensity. Whether it’s happiness, passion, desire, hope, or sadness, emotions are felt at a deep level.
When the moon was in Libra and the heart chakra was activated, we were focused on finding balance in our relationships but now, as the full moon transitions into Scorpio, the focus moves down our sacral chakras with emotional complexities at the forefront. This includes going to extremes to find pleasure, getting lost the pleasurable feelings, as well as getting caught up in trying to understand what it is we are feeling.
The sacral chakra is also called the Svadhisthana chakra or second primary chakra and is in the abdominal area of the body. It is associated with pleasure, vitality, movement, and life force, and opening the sacral chakra can boost creativity and desire. So, on a Scorpio full moon, it’s a good time to consider what it is that YOU really desire.
What makes you feel good? How can you align with the flow of life and let yourself take it in? Do you constantly seek out pleasurable activities but can’t find satisfaction in them? Or maybe you are more inclined to get caught up in how something feels, lose yourself and lack discernment for figuring out what you really want?
The Scorpio full moon is a good time to sift through these emotions. Feel into them. Confront the ones you’re afraid of. Journal about them. Talk about them. Ask yourself what’s been standing in your way of releasing what no longer serves you and embody the fullness of your being.
Using chakras and the zodiac to release what no longer serves you and attract what you want more of in your life is really about finding balance, and it’s not just big picture things. Paying attention to your chakras and the moon can bring you balance, healing, and peace… It’s truly a window into what aligns on every level of life.
Do you notice a shift in your energy on the full moon? What gets illuminated in your life that you’re ready to release? Full moons are associated with a peak in energy and are traditionally a time to release what no longer serves us and let go of what we’re carrying so we can create space for things that support our highest good. As we set intentions on the new moon, let go and reflect on the full moon, we tap the natural cycles of release, surrender, and renewal.
As the Scorpio full moon is all about deep emotions and the sacral chakra, this month, focus on feeling into your desires and how you want to continue feeling moving forward.
What are you ready to release that’s preventing you from getting in touch with the intricacy of your own emotions? How have you neglected what you’ve been feeling? What’s showing up for you?
Because the full moon is peak energy, it’s a perfect time to tap into its power and do a bit of self-examination and go deeper so you can rid yourself of old fears and beliefs and limiting habits.
Why unblock your sacral chakra? Basically, so you can sense your emotions and how they affect you when they’re stuck and release blockages in that part of the body so the energy can flow through your system in an organic way creating health on a physical level. It can create balance in our lives and bring us pleasure and hope and empathy and a yearning to feel something that arises within us!
Sometimes the best way to go through this lunar phase is to go within and feel into the deep-seated emotions. Set your intention to release what no longer serves you, meditate to open your sacral chakra then sit back relax and trust that the forces of astrology, your chakras, and the elements have all aligned.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!