Five Ways to Awaken Your Feminine Energy
Are you embracing your femininity? Metaphysically speaking, do you have a balance between your masculine and feminine energies? It is natural that both energies exist within us. So then, why has life become frustrating?
According to Deepak Chopra, this happens when the divine feminine part of us is in hiding. And when we consider masculine values such as strength, courage, and assertiveness more important and the only way to achieve success, the feminine values of nurturing, gentleness, and kindness are suppressed creating an imbalance in our lives.
Learn ways to strategically balance the divine feminine energy within you by embracing the full moon energy, surrendering, creating a sister circle, releasing, and synchronizing your vibration with the water element in a way that activates your femininity and supports you on a social, psychological, and spiritual level.
Are you in touch with your inner goddess? Do the cycles of the moon affect your mood? Hormones? Cause fatigue? If so, I hear you! As feminine energy is lunar, cooling, and receptive, and masculine energy is solar, warming, and active, the energy of a full moon can be used to heal the balance of divine feminine within and restore wholeness to your life.
Many believe that our inner feminine energy can be balanced by using the cooling energy of the moon. This doesn’t necessarily mean that our menstrual cycles will coincide with moon phases, it means that we can use the lunar energy to balance our need for tenderness and grace with the more masculine qualities of assertiveness, leadership, and strength that are celebrated individually and collectively in everyday life.
Recently I was reminded of how important it is to surrender. I had a severe allergic reaction and had to wait for eight hours in the emergency room before getting a clean bill of health. During that time, I grew impatient and tired until I realized that I had two choices, stay and receive treatment or leave and risk that my reaction would get worse. When I thought about what I needed, I knew I had to stay and receive treatment so I decided that I would just make the best of it and enjoy the process.
What do you need right now? How are you resisting it in your life? Have you thought about your choices? If you’re like me, you will decide what is best for you. When you do, it becomes easier to let yourself accept help.
Embracing our feminine energy by surrendering is simply releasing resistance to our own inner authority to activate the qualities we need in our lives such as emotional bonding, compassion, empathy, inner peace, softness, and calm. It does not mean that we are weak, it means that we are reuniting subtle energies that live within all of us to transform ourselves and what we are bringing to the world.
When access to our inner feminine qualities is blocked, the path to healing is lost and will affect us at a social, psychological, and spiritual level.
Here’s a tip: ask yourself where you need more support in your life then, surrender to what appears.
The power of the feminine is in the community. Sister circles are gatherings of women for women. They can also be called women’s circles, sisterhood circles, red tents, or moon lodges. Basically, the premise is that all women who attend the gathering are equal and are there to bond, share, support, hold space for others, and explore topics they may find interesting.
I’ve attended sister circles both in person and virtually and found benefits in both. It’s all about the energy and the connection and the comradery that is created when we make space for the union of the delicate subtle energies in our bodies.
Want to start a sister circle? Look around you. Notice who is in your circle of friends both in-person and online. Talk to them and see if they would be interested in joining you to facilitate the activation of feminine energy. Set a date and time and voila - enjoy!
If you’ve been around awhile, you know I love the little vortexes of energy called chakras. They can get blocked with emotions, trauma, and past experiences that can prevent you from moving forward in life.
Honestly, before you can fully embrace the power of your inner divine feminine, you’ll need to release what is stuck in your sacral chakra as it is the one responsible for flow, vitality, movement, and creativity in your life. As you open this awareness you can begin to balance subtle masculine and feminine energies individually and collectively as they have a deep source in our consciousness.
Curious about how you can release blockages from the sacral chakra? I’ve written a post on using an Ayurvedic navel therapy to unblock it.
Water is receptive and can take on the shape of whatever contains it. It is flexible. It is moving. It is cooling. And immersing yourself in it is a great way to balance the fire energy of masculine with the feminine to motivate and support us.
We can see the ease in the ebb and flow of water mirrored in the cycles of our own lives. It can be calm and deep, thirst-quenching, and life-giving or it can be destructive as can all the elements. When I am able to get near water, I love standing with my eyes closed soaking in the sparkles. Saltwater is especially good for healing and cleansing the energy field. Take long hot baths and immerse yourself in the water to infuse yourself with feminine energy. I find water recharges me when I’m feeling depleted.
Here's the thing: when we do the same things day after day, we can slowly deplete ourselves of the vital feminine energy force that goes with change, movement, flow, and variety. There is a need for sweetness and gentleness all around us, so we have to start with what is within us first.
Remember, embracing your sacred feminine energy is necessary to live in communion with the energies all around you and within you. If you’re used to being assertive and strong, then taking time to strategically balance the divine feminine energy may be challenging. By embracing the full moon energy, unblocking your sacral chakra, surrendering, creating a sister circle, releasing, and synchronizing your vibration with the water element you can gently activate your inner divine feminine and support yourself on a social, psychological, and spiritual level. Just what you needed to hear.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!