Find Your Authentic Power: Chakra Meditation With Healing Crystal

Find Your Authentic Power: Chakra Meditation With Healing Crystal

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Lacking self-confidence? Withdrawn from the world? Struggling with self-care? Afraid to express who you really are? Likely your solar plexus chakra is blocked.

Clearing congestion from your solar plexus chakra that prevents the flow of life force energy can be done by raising your vibration and gently releasing blockages.

In this guided meditation, you’ll use a healing crystal to open your solar plexus chakra, balance its energy, raise the vibration, and clear blockages. Once the channel is open, you will be able to feel the flow of life force energy that naturally comes to you from your source so you can find your authentic power and goodness and bring it to the surface, emanate it out into the work, get things done, and move forward!

Length 15 min.

You’ll also get a free copy of my chakra reference guide as a bonus to help you choose the right crystal.