What to Expect in The Chakras on a Virgo Full Moon
We’ve made it into a Virgo full moon after going through the Leo full moon where we were focused on receiving personal recognition, standing out for our special qualities, and trying to express who we truly are. As the moon goes through Virgo now the focus shifts to more material goods and practical things.
When the full moon arrives as the cycle goes… it’s a time to release confusion and iron out details so that we feel confident making decisions and moving forward.
Do you let nagging details bother you? Get caught up in figuring out the technicalities and lose sight of the big picture then end up feeling ungrounded and confused? Whatever your struggle is with finding satisfaction in solving problems so you can feel more secure, now is the time to peacefully let it go and move on!
In this post, I’ll talk about the power of the full moon in Virgo, walk through the concept and influence of its elemental force and share the most prominent chakras that will be present so you can work with the incoming energy in a way that is to your advantage in your life and career.
Ready to look at the zodiac, the Virgo full moon, and chakras and understand where healing is possible for you?
Regardless of what your moon sign is, we all feel the influence of the moon in Virgo a few days a month. Your tendency to re-organize things so you feel more secure and in control and re-think plans a million times may be heightened or you may find during this time you’re more into working through minute details of tasks already in progress so you can feel more confident in the days ahead.
Are you focusing on things that are tangible and real? Solid? And practical? Things that make you feel more secure? This may be a time when they become important for you to focus on and find peace with to heal as they rise to the surface.
When the moon is in Virgo, we seek security in factual matters. Down-to-earth solutions that are easy to understand and implement and ones that help us feel more grounded and safer in our environment so any steps you can take to work through problems to find solutions at this time will make you feel better.
What can you do?
Discard unfinished projects that are taking up mental space. Purge your belongings. Clean and clear your surroundings and you’ll find you’ll create space to think which will enhance clarity in your decision-making process.
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are zodiac signs that embody the earth element and its solidity and connection with physicality and materialism and the importance of money.
Earth signs are typically grounded with solid foundations and understanding the elemental influence on the zodiac sign of Virgo brings a greater understanding of how we can use its strength to manifest our dreams into reality.
Feeling a little slow? Stubbornness kicking in? Maybe you’re feeling like you’re unwilling to change things and won’t compromise in the meantime? If so, the earth element is at work for you this full moon!
Staying flexible and willing to look at things in new ways will bring the water element into your chakras and offset the effects of the earth element in a transitory Virgo.
Virgo is all about physicality. Health matters are important and there’s a yearning for those things that are touchable and can be felt in real solid form.
When the moon was in Leo the solar plexus chakra was activated and we were focused on seeking attention but now, as the full moon transitions into Virgo, the focus shifts to solving problems in order to make ourselves feel more secure and the chakra energy moves up to our third eye chakra and at the same time, down to our root chakra.
The third eye chakra is a higher chakra that is associated with organizing, thinking, and planning and the root chakra is a lower chakra associated with grounding, security, and physicality in both the body and tangible possessions.
So, on a Virgo full moon that highlights the third eye chakra and the root chakra, it’s a good time to notice the small details that you can easily change to make your world more orderly and organized so you can plan out exactly what needs to be done to create a safer environment for yourself.
Look for quick fixes and things that can be changed easily. Work with your hands. Sort things. Figure out problems by using the post-it note method. Group things and look for similarities.
The Virgo full moon is a good time to find solutions in this way. Capture thoughts on tangible mediums (root chakra). Pick them up and move them around. Group them. Notice similarities and differences and the smaller parts that make up the whole so you can see the big picture of what you need to do to create balance in your life. See clearly (using your third eye chakra) what’s been standing in your way of making your plans a reality and release them!
Using chakras and the zodiac to let go of what no longer serves you and attract what you want more of in your life is really about finding balance, and it’s not just getting lost in the details or looking at the big picture. Paying attention to your chakras and the moon can bring balance, healing, and peace… It’s truly a window into what aligns on every level of life.
Do you notice a shift in your energy on the full moon? What gets illuminated in your life that you’re ready to release? Full moons are associated with a peak in energy and are traditionally a time to release what no longer serves us and let go of what we’re carrying so we can create space for things that support our highest good.
As we set intentions on the new moon, let go and reflect on the full moon, we tap the natural cycles of release, surrender, and renewal.
As the Virgo full moon is all about finding security in the planning process and making decisions that we feel good about and organizing our lives and… our third eye and root chakras, this month, focus on healing blockages you have in these areas.
What are you ready to release that’s preventing you from feeling secure? How have you been planning your activities to your detriment? Are you focusing on long-term goals and forgetting your basic needs in the meantime? How have you neglected them? What’s showing up for you?
Because the full moon is peak energy, it’s a perfect time to tap into its power and go deeper into your third eye chakra and look at the details of how you create (or don’t create) a sense of security for yourself in your life, release behaviors, patterns, resistance, unwillingness, and other habits that have been preventing you from making clear decisions.
Why open our third eye and root chakras? Basically, so we can balance our intellect with our physicality! An open third eye chakra gives us clarity, lets us tap into our intuition, and ‘see’ the big picture of our lives while being able to iron out the details and take the steps needed to move forward in a way that supports our root chakra which gives us a feeling of safety and security.
Then, when they’re in balance, all we have to do is sit back and relax knowing that we’ve created simplicity and balance between our spirituality and materialism.
Want to find out what your chakras look like? Where you’re blocked and how they’re affecting your personality? A chakra reading is a good place to start if you want to understand where healing is possible for you.
Sometimes the best way to go through this lunar phase is to stop pushing forward without considering what you really need to feel secure and also taking the time to review the details of how you could make it better, then sit back relax and trust that the forces of astrology, your chakras, and the elements have all aligned.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!