Talk to Your Heart Chakra: What It Means and How to Do It


Would you like a deeper connection to others? What about being happy, content, and finding joy within yourself? Is it important to you?

We’ve made it to the heart chakra after exploring the energy of the solar plexus chakra where we connected with our sense of who we are, our self-expression, and sometimes (maybe?) got overwhelmed in our feelings! As the energy moves through the heart, it’s a time when we gravitate towards balanced relationships and want to feel the warmth of contact and connection with others while finding that sense of deep contentment within.

When the energy flow arrives at the heart chakra… it’s a time for healing so we can release what’s been standing in our way of giving and receiving love as well as clearing out what’s been preventing us from feeling compassion and joy in our lives.

In this post, I’ll provide 10 ways to talk to your heart chakra, what it means and how to do it. I’ll share a personal conversation, walk you through the concept of using dialogue as an affirmation while inspiring you to connect with your heart chakra energy point in a way that is to your advantage emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.


If you haven’t read my posts about chakras in a while, here’s a quick recap. Chakras are spinning energy centers that connect the physical body to the energetic body and allow the flow of the life force through various energetic pathways so we can maintain physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.

With our 7 chakras constantly moving and adjusting and opening and closing, I’m always looking for ways to connect with them on deeper levels for chakra healing, and recently, it occurred to me that we should talk to them! 

So, whether you call it having a conversation with your chakra, a hope-filled chat, using positive statements, personal goals, mantras, or discussions doesn’t matter as the premise of what I’m about to talk about is using a sequence of words that have a deep meaning for you to connect with your chakras, so you see, feel, and sense them as living breathing parts of yourself!


I believe we all have super chakras (they’re like superpowers in our chakras). Some of us are inclined to spend a lot of time in our heads and have strong head chakras, some are not afraid to move forward, take actions and get things done as they have strong back chakras and yet others are more emotional with most of their energy in their front chakras. 

A common thread to them all? The heart chakra.

It’s the center of the 7 chakras from top to bottom and bottom to top. Creating balance, equality, and equanimity in all our relationships. 

When the heart chakra is blocked, it can’t take in energy. Things get stuck. Emotions get stuck. Energy doesn’t move and we feel disconnected, isolated, and… alone.

What blocks the heart chakra? It’s different for each one of us but some of the most common things are early childhood emotional traumas, physical traumas, and unhealthy lifestyles. So, if you’re wondering if your heart chakra’s blocked right now, look at your relationships. Is there something unconventional about your relationship experiences and the people you tend to interact with? Do you have ongoing sadness or depression or feel disconnected from who you really are and what you really want? If so, your heart chakra is probably affected.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be flexible and enjoy the various intricacies of each of your interactions as you sort through your emotions and beliefs and discard the ones that are no longer supporting your growth? Having a conversation with your heart chakra may help. Here’s a personal discussion I had with my heart chakra that you could recite or use for inspiration and come up with your own words as affirmations are thought to be more valuable when you add a personal touch. (

I know you’ve felt sadness and grief and yet you have the strength to spin on. Thank you. Relationships, you’ve mastered them both the ones I have with myself and the ones I have with others. Open up and let love in, that is what we try to do even when it is not easy. Let love fill us and support us-yes that is the goal. You don’t push, don’t pull, just gently ease your way through life. Pain will pass dear one and joy as you know will come again. I love you. Namaste.
— Della Reside

10 WAYS TO USE a heart chakra affirmation:

  • Recite it to yourself in the mirror

  • Repeat it quietly to yourself during the day

  • Write it out in a journal

  • Meditate on it

  • Read it before you go to sleep

  • Say it out loud

  • Memorize it

  • Blog about it

  • Email it to yourself and open it each day

  • Add it to Google Keep or Google Notes on your smartphone

Sometimes the best way to heal what is hurting is to slow down and go inside. Set your intention to get in touch with your heart chakra, let yourself feel the emotions that arise then sit back, relax, and trust that the forces of nature are at work for you and keeping you balanced and centered.

My hope is that reading these internal dialogues makes you think about what you could say to your own chakra to connect with yourself on a deeper level so you can find peace, happiness, and tranquility within.

Hi there!

I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!