Sanskrit Mantras for the Chakras
When it seems that life is mounting challenge upon challenge, respond with affirmations. Instead of hitting snooze and giving yourself every reason to stay in, recite these Sanskrit mantras for the chakras. They are starting points for the person who wants to consciously engage in creating a life of happiness, calm their mind, and promote relaxation.
Mantras, similar to positive affirmations are general versus or sequences of words that can be meditated upon, repeated, or vocalized. I’ve always been a fan of repeating mantras while using mala beads for meditation, during yoga, chanting them silently, or just listening to them. In this post, I’ll explore seven Sanskrit mantras for the chakras, provide the meaning of each mantra, and describe how the mantra works by aligning with the consciousness of each spiritual energy point.
TAN MAN SHAANT meaning: my mind and body are tranquil, peaceful, and calm. Tan (body) Man (to think) Shaant (peaceful). This chant supports the root chakra energy center as it is the chakra most strongly associated with the physical body and helps bring the body into a peaceful resonance.
OM DAKSHAM NAMAH - I can achieve maximum benefit with minimal effort. According to chopracentermeditation, Om Daksham Namah means I align my awareness to the intelligence and power of the universe so that all my thoughts and actions have the greatest effectiveness and efficiency. This mantra aligns with the consciousness of the sacral chakra as it invokes the senses of flow and ease.
SO HUM - I am part of the universe. This mantra invokes the sense of identifying oneself with the infinite source of the universe that is constantly supporting and nourishing us. The affirmation aligns with the solar plexus chakra as it is the spiritual energy point associated with early emotional nourishment and physical nourishment.
OM SHANTI SHANTI OM - I radiate peace. Om is the universal sound of the universe which starts many mantras. It is thought to set the intention for one to become enlightened. Shanti is the invocation of peace in your life. The mantra aligns with the heart chakra as it is the center of peace in the body.
In Buddhist and Hindu traditions Shanti is chanted three times to represent body, speech, and mind. (
OM MANI PADME HUM - I honor my deepest truth and live my life with compassion and goodness. This is a Buddhist mantra that symbolizes living a life of purity to rise above our human selves and fill our lives with meaning. This chant resonates with the throat chakra as it invokes a vibration that can affect brain waves - perfect for the chakra of communication.
OM EEM HREEM - I engage with divine guidance. The Sanskrit word hreem has the power of connecting us to the divine goddess energy of Lakshmi and the divine energy within. This Sanskrit mantra is associated with the third eye chakra as it heightens intuition and our ability to connect to divine wisdom.
SAT CHIT ANANDA - I am pure existence. This affirmation helps us realize that we are inseparable from the power of the universe. It is associated with the crown chakra and the qualities of wisdom, universal consciousness, and bliss.
There you have it! Seven Sanskrit mantras, one for each chakra, the meaning of the mantras, the translations plus the descriptions of how the affirmations align with the consciousness of each spiritual energy point.
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I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!