How the Ram Chakra Totem Ignites Personal Power
From feeling lost not knowing which way to turn to showing up and confidently expressing who you are - the solar plexus chakra is the key to success. This can sound far off, even unreal, but I can assure you that this spiritual energy point is as powerful as it gets. The solar plexus chakra or Manipura chakra is the one to heal if you are ready to release inner child wounds, show up for yourself, get things done, and practice some great self-care.
If you’ve ever struggled with expressing who you are and how you show up in the world in a healthy way, this post is for you. I’ll talk about how the symbolism of the ram can be used to ignite the power of the solar plexus chakra. You’ll learn the similarities between the ram and the solar plexus chakra, how this chakra relates to your center of personal power and will, the difference between the soft power of the ewe and the willpower of the ram, what using the ram totem animal can help you with, symbolic words to describe both, and how to use the ram’s energy in your life.
All the chakra animal totems can be referred to as spirit animals, power animals, spirit guides, spiritual totems, animal helpers, or totem animals. And, that there is basically no difference in the names when it comes to aligning them with the chakra energy points. I have combined all the terms and called them the ‘chakra animal totems’ because of the similarities in the traits exhibited by certain animals and how they align with the consciousness of specific chakras.
This is the third post in the chakra animal totem series as we transcend from the fluidity of the water element and the fish chakra totem to the heat and transformational power of the ram.
All the symbolic chakra animals have innate abilities, but the rams’ potential power to influence the chakras is its connection to power.
A ram is a male sheep over the age of 12 months. It symbolizes power and the ability to charge forward. Ewes, on the other hand, are female sheep over the age of 12 months and they symbolize soft power relating to healthy self-assertion based on confidence, gentleness, and competence. ( Therefore, the chakra animal totem for the solar plexus chakra should really be called the ‘sheep’, not the ‘ram’ but for the purpose of this post, I will refer to them as rams.
Psychology Today explains that personal power is based on “strength, confidence, and competence that individuals gradually acquire in the course of their development. It is self-assertion, and a natural, healthy striving for love, satisfaction, and meaning in one's interpersonal world.” I have found that the ability to express your personal power is related to the health of the solar plexus chakra. If you’re holding trauma or unexpressed emotions in your solar plexus area, you will not be able to easily express these qualities.
There are two types of power that are associated with the Manipura chakra, soft power, and willpower (force).
Soft power involves shaping the preferences of others through appeal and attraction. It may imply that weakness, but it really allows us to tap into the qualities of mutual respect, cooperation, and collaboration rather than competition. Soft power is related to the front aspect of the solar plexus chakra. It is where ‘butterflies’ are felt in the stomach when we get nervous.
Willpower is the other type of power. Using willpower to get something done, push through something, or exert force activates the back aspect of the solar plexus chakra. However, constantly using the back aspect of the third chakra can be exhausting so it’s important to strive for a balance between soft power and willpower.
You may wonder how this relates to the ram chakra totem animal? Rams naturally display dominance and hierarchy by fighting. It is the natural tendency to charge forward that aligns the ram with the back aspect of the solar plexus chakra. On the other hand, ewes represent the consciousness of the front aspect of the solar plexus chakra and soft power.
The solar plexus chakra is the center of personal power in the body. The health of the chakra directly affects our ability to move forward to transform our lives. When there is something blocking this energy point, anger can arise because the solar plexus chakra feeds the liver, and the liver is associated with anger.
Often when we think of the ram, we think of its large spiral horns, aggression, and its desire to dominate. Just like humans, some rams can be more aggressive than others, and, just like humans, when rams are domesticated, they can develop social skills to know when it is best to act in such a manner.
How many times have you told yourself that you’re not enough or not good enough? Thought that you shouldn’t dress in a certain way or wear your hair in a specific style to fit in? All the time - right? That seems to be our inner voice that just won’t go away.
Yes, it’s this inner voice that undermines our self-confidence and is related to the front aspect of the solar plexus chakra. If the front aspect of the Manipura chakra is holding unresolved emotions from childhood, we may try to hide from life, be timid, and lack confidence in our abilities
You may be wondering how self-confidence is linked to the ram chakra totem? The ram instinctively knows what he is capable of. He is aware of his innate power and will never refrain from leaping into a new opportunity going beyond without fear. (ram symbolism)
The solar plexus chakra has the power of the sun (solar means “sun”) and can transform our lives by changing things to overcome inertia.
How? Air feeds fire. The air element of the heart chakra feeds the fire element of the solar plexus chakra which can help us take action, move forward, and express ourselves in authentic ways.
Water extinguishes fire. The water element of the sacral chakra balances the fire element of the solar plexus chakra to ensure the transformational power of the fire doesn’t get out of control.
Even though rams are not directly associated with the fire element, in Native American culture, the ram’s horns were used to carry fire from one camp to another.
The solar plexus chakra is where we develop our autonomy and our sense of individuality. It is also the chakra where we sense our ability to fit in and belong. A healthy solar plexus provides us with a deep knowing of who we are in the universe. Whenever we create a relationship with another human, cords grow between our 3rd chakras.
Rams live in bachelor groups and ewes live in herds with younger lambs. They are flock animals and can become stressed when separated from their flock members. They need to belong as much as humans do.
Push through blockages
Gain courage
Move forward - take action
Overcome obstacles
Face challenges
These words can be used to describe both the ram and the attributes of the solar plexus chakra:
Here are three ways I’ve found to use the energy of the ram to enhance the solar plexus chakra: chant the seed mantra “ram”, visualize a ram or ewe, and tap into their energy, or meditate on the morning sun using the ram totem to ignite your transformational power.
There you have it, the symbolic meaning of the ram, the similarities between the ram and the solar plexus chakra, how it relates to your personal power, the difference between the soft power of the ewe and the willpower of the ram, what using the ram totem animal can help you with, symbolic words to describe both, and some tips for using the ram’s energy in your life.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!