Balance Your Chakras With a Stone Spiral
Your days are full of DIY projects, busy to-do lists, and you haven’t sat down to meditate and clear your chakras in weeks. I get it. Because I’ve been there - but I am not anymore. What if I told you that doing a DIY project such as creating a stone spiral could balance your chakras? From designing the project, all the way to appreciating it upon completion, I have a few tips up my sleeve.
Are you ready to do a DIY project and open your chakras all while adding curb appeal to your home? Learn how I created a stone spiral with intention while opening my energy points called chakras. I share the steps I took to do it and the chakras that are balanced for each step in the process.
Regardless of when you do it, here is an easy way of opening your chakras and adding curb appeal to your home!
CREATE A Design: crown chakra
Don’t you hate it when your creativity fails you and you just can’t dream up any new ideas? Yeah, I’ve been there too. One of the best ways I’ve found to dream up new ideas is to look for inspiration on Pinterest. All you have to do is search for what you are thinking of doing and see what comes up! A lot of times we beat ourselves up when we can’t come up with a unique idea, but if we intentionally look for inspiration, our crown chakra will open us up to new ideas without having to force it.
add a personal touch: HEART CHAKRA
Why I love doing DIY projects is multifaceted! They’re the perfect way for me to stay in alignment. First, they require some thought which opens my crown chakra. And, then I get to add a personal touch. Something that is dear to my heart is the spiral shape of the chakra. It represents the journey and change of life so I wanted to incorporate it into my spiral rock garden design. I recommend adding a personal touch to all of your projects as it will help you connect to the energy of your project and open your heart chakra as you tune into things you really love.
Clear existing space: solar plexus chakra
If you’ve ever done a DIY project and made a total mess before it came together, you’ll know what I’m saying when I tell you that clearing out the existing space is part of the creative process. For my stone spiral, I cleaned up the existing landscape bark and moved the stones then, replaced the landscape fabric as needed.
The big stones were rolled out of the way and later incorporated back into the design. I recommend clearing the existing space before starting any new project to get rid of the old energy and allow space for the new. Clearing out old things, creating movement, and transforming energy are all qualities of the solar plexus chakra.
Select stones: root chakra
People are always looking for ways to do things faster, simplify their lives, and move onto the next thing. I hear you - I do this too! But, sometimes it is good to work slowly and tune into what you are doing.
For my project, I sorted the stones into light and dark colors. Then, I went through each of the colors and sorted them into three basic sizes. This process helped me connect to the energy of the earth element and my root chakra. A lot of times we try to do things so fast that we forget to enjoy the small things along the way; by taking the time to feel each of the stones, notice their colors and characteristics you’ll be able to feel more grounded as you open the energy of your root chakra.
Create the outline: sacral chakra
Have you ever rushed through a design only to have to do it over again because you didn’t plan it out properly? I’m over here raising my hand! Before you start, reference your pencil sketch and make an outline for the placement of the darker-colored stones. Feel free to adjust the borders as you create the first spiral - I did! Start by putting the bigger dark-colored rocks on the larger part of the spiral (to the bottom left in the photo) then, work your way to the center of the spiral by placing medium dark-colored rocks (middle to the lower right in photo) followed by smaller rounded rocks near the center (middle left in photo). The sizes, shapes, colors of stones, and width of the rock spiral can be adjusted as your design progresses to give it a good flow.
After the darker stones are in place, follow the same steps, and create the lighter colored rock spiral. Trust your intuition when picking stones. Finish the design with a bit of landscape bark (I used about 1 1/2 bags of Scotts Nature Scapes Classic Black). I found that the color contrast was needed to make the spirals stand out and create more curb appeal for our home.
Take your time and enjoy the creative process to unblock the energy of your sacral chakra.
Appreciate the beauty to open the heart chakra
So instead of moving onto the next thing right away, enjoy your accomplishment! That’s right; even though you have a million things on your to-do list, let yourself take some time to appreciate the beauty you created. Sit back and reflect on all you did from planning and design to the finished product. Then, remember how it felt as you were doing it. Our finished spiral rock garden measured about 12 x 6 feet and allowed us to add curb appeal to our home without the use of plants. It made our small space appealing and easy to maintain and that made us feel really good! So, even though you may be tempted to cross another thing off your to-do list and move on, take the time to appreciate your accomplishment and enjoy the beauty of your spiral rock garden so you can open the energy of your heart chakra.
There you have it. My easy ways to create a stone spiral rock garden with intention and open your chakras as you do it. You now have six great tips for balancing chakras while doing your DIY projects! Let’s get creating - shall we?
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!