5 Unique Ways to Find Your Personal Power
Do you do lack self-confidence but push yourself to get things done anyway? Struggle with boundaries? Inner child wounds? Abandonment? If so, your solar plexus chakra could probably use some support.
I’m all about using meditation and breathing and healing crystals to clear the blockages we’re holding in our chakras. There are a lot of techniques around, especially for beginners who want to open their solar plexus chakra and find their authentic power, and I've totally been there. I used to push to get things done, scared that if I didn’t give it all I had, I would collapse under the pressure. But what I didn’t know was I was only activating one aspect of my solar plexus chakra instead of balancing and using the innate power of it all.
The variety of techniques out there can raise the vibration of your solar plexus energy point and while it's beneficial to lean into the power of the tried-and-true methods, it’s also empowering to find new and unique ways that can work where and when you need them.
That way, you can strengthen your boundaries, let go of stuck emotions and improve your self-confidence in ways that are easiest and most convenient for you!
If what you’re doing hasn’t been working, and you’re still not connected to your authentic power and haven't been able to unblock your solar plexus chakra on your own, run through your list of options.
What can you try that you’ve never tried before?
What if you did something a different way?
We might not even realize all the ways we could potentially connect with our authentic personal power to gain self-confidence and express who we truly are. So, as you review what you’ve been doing, consider these 5 unique ways to open your solar plexus chakra and step into the essence of who you really are.
5 Unique Ways to Find Your Personal Power
Yup, I’m talking about belly laughing! Sometimes I see people let out a little giggle here and there or hold their joy inside when they see something funny. But really, if you have trouble connecting with your personal power, it’s going to cost you down the line if you don’t get energy moving in the solar plexus area of your body.
If you can release energy that’s stuck there it will be so much more beneficial to your self-confidence in the long run. Energy that could be used to focus on self-improvement - protecting your boundaries, expressing your uniqueness, raising your vibration - not just energy spent holding it all inside hoping something changes in your life.
Watching funny videos does it for me. There's something about watching bloopers and seeing people in their authenticity, making genuine mistakes (like we all do) that gets me out of my head and into my belly!
There are a lot of ways you can do upper body bends to clear your solar plexus chakra and connect to your source of personal power - but are you using the right one for you?
Maybe you need to focus on bending your upper body forward and opening your back solar plexus chakra, or bending it backward and opening the front energy center? The vortex you choose to focus on can make a difference!
Are you struggling with self-care? Focus on the back.
Eating disorders? Focus on the front.
Ideally, we want to balance both at the same time to keep the whole chakra functioning, but you can target one vortex at a time to make it easier on yourself.
Maybe you’re stretching but there’s one that could challenge you a bit more. Try it. Even looking at simple stretches done sitting in a chair, on the floor, or laying flat on your back, and other torso bending techniques is smart because they all add up. You may think it’s a simple stretch here or there, but it amounts to something that you could do to get energy moving every day in the desirable part of the chakra.
If you rely on crystals to open your chakras, they don’t have to be the biggest, most popular, most costly pieces. You can totally get away with using healing crystals like kyanite or fluorite to clear your solar plexus chakra and still get the same high-quality, energy-releasing results.
I have a friend who owns a rock shop, and she sold me a piece of kyanite which was supposed to align all my chakras. What I found when I started to meditate with it was that the energy focused mostly on my solar plexus chakra. The healing frequency first resonated with the solar plexus chakra then moved to all 7 chakras from there!
Try it yourself: take a kyanite healing crystal, put it in your hand, and with intention, move the energy of the crystal up to your arm into your solar plexus chakra. It CAN work, but you won’t always have the same results as some days it may be easier to move the energy than others. Not sure how? Try my solar plexus chakra meditation for finding your authentic power.
I know, we’re talking about chakras here, so why am I bringing up social media contacts? Honestly, it’s about your personal power and taking your power back by consciously choosing who you interact with online.
You see, your solar plexus chakra is your power source. It's where you shine the brightest when you’re healthy and it’s where your light is the dimmest when you’re not. When your energy is moving faster (vibrating higher) you are happy, confident, and easily able to express yourself and when it’s moving slower (lower vibration) you’re sluggish, tired, and lack self-confidence.
Where should you start purging? Look at the accounts you scroll right past, why do you do it? How do they make you feel? Are there people you avoid interacting with? Are there ones that are always complaining or always angry and suck the energy out of you? If so, interacting with them even in small amounts could be lowering the frequency of energy in your chakras and dragging you down.
Seeing the big picture of your social media contacts and how much you enjoy (or don’t) interacting with them will help you find where you could be giving away your power. I get it, there might be some social media accounts you can purge more easily than others but when you look at them holistically, any you delete can make you feel better!
We get so caught up in how we can use music to stay upbeat and help us get through our workdays that we forget about how we can use it to open our chakras. I’ve noticed that classical music has several effects on the solar plexus chakra. It evokes positive feelings, soothes and calms digestion, connects us to our emotions, enhances our personal power, and helps us think clearer by loosening stagnant energy that may be bogging us down.
When I’m trying to write and want to get in ‘the zone’ I put on classical music!
Try it. There are so many ways to use music and sound to balance the chakras without having to invest in expensive equipment. Look for free classical music on YouTube or purchase from reputable music sites. Some of the best ways to open the solar plexus chakra are to do what feels right for you and work with what you have.
Stimulating the solar plexus chakra doesn’t mean you have to use the same technique over and over again or use ones that haven’t worked for you. There are so many unique, easy, quick ways to keep the energy moving so you can find your authentic power and take care of yourself and express who you really are. Just start with one new exercise and commit to trying it daily then add more along the way as you go! If it’s not working, stop doing it and try something else.
Before you know it, you’ll have your toolbox full of Manipura chakra opening methods that work perfectly for you. And that’ll be something to be proud of!
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!