Why Rose Quartz Will Unblock Chakras
Don’t you hate it when you buy a nice piece of rose quartz and then it just sits there, and you can’t figure out what to do with it? Yeah, I’ve been there too. What if I told you that you can use your rose quartz to heal? From connecting with the vibration of the crystal, all the way to using rose quartz to enhance the feng shui of your home. What if I told you there was a way for you to use your rose quartz for something other than collecting dust that would enhance your emotional health? Are you ready to try? In this post, learn about the healing properties of rose quartz, the chakra energy points associated with rose quartz, and how rose quartz can be used to enhance emotional health and the feng shui of your home. Regardless of how you use your rose quartz, here are the ways rose quartz can unblock your chakras.
Did you know that rose quartz is an abundant, hard, yet relatively inexpensive variety of quartz with pink inclusions due to the minerals titanium, manganese and iron? That’s what makes rose quartz pink! Personally, I like the soft pink colored rose quartz crystals but, they can vary from a translucent pink to a rich pink color. As rose quartz picks up low vibrational energy, it’s ability to resonate at a high level and open chakras decreases. So, if you don’t periodically clear and charge your rose quartz it will not work as well for chakra balancing. One of the best ways I’ve found to do this is to place the chakra crystal in direct sunlight. I’ve had to be careful though as the pink color has faded on one of my large stones because I left it in the sunshine too long! I had it displayed on a south facing windowsill which I now know wasn’t a good idea. I’ve also cleaned my rose quartz by holding it under running water, smudging it, and by placing it on a windowsill in the moonlight.
Don’t you hate it when you ‘feel’ something but then dismiss what you are feeling because there is no scientific evidence to prove it? I hear you; I question myself all the time. But according to Geoscience News and Information, “one of the most amazing properties of quartz is the ability of its crystals to vibrate at precise frequencies.” Which means that yes – quartz has a vibration that we can feel! When I was doing research for this post, I found several sources of information. Some listed the vibration of rose quartz at 350 harmonic hertz, while others listed it at 528 Hz. In true fashion, I wanted to feel it for myself. After finding samples of both vibrations, I closed my eyes and played the music. My heart chakra resonated more closely with the vibration at 528 Hz. You can try it for yourself, here's the link. One way I like to use this is to play this heart chakra opening vibration softly in the background while I’m working on the computer.
Rose Quartz carries a vibration of compassion, peace, and divine feminine energy which resonate most closely with the heart chakra or Anahata chakra. Learn more about rose quartz and chakras.
Recently, I redecorated my office. I added several big pieces of rose quartz to the décor. Why? Mostly, I did it for the vibration rose quartz gives off. But I also love the soft pink color which matches perfectly with my color scheme. Even though Rose Quartz is known for its heart-healing properties, and is one of the top 5 crystals for opening chakras, it also has a profound effect on emotional health. In fact, it is often used in the feng shui relationship area of a home (southwest corner) to enhance feelings of self-care and love. In my office, I have it in the family area. According to The Spruce, an expert in feng shui, some easy ways to use rose quartz in your home are: place a piece of rose quartz near the bed, create a rose quartz water mist to spray around your home or bed, or use the Bagua and place a piece of rose quartz in the health area of your room.
If you want to incorporate rose quartz into your life, in addition to those mentioned earlier, here are some other ways to do it:
wear rose quartz jewelry
sleep with a piece of rose quartz
hold a piece of rose quartz in your hand
carry rose quartz in your purse or pocket
decorate with rose quartz objects such as rose quartz gem trees, rose quartz pyramids, or rose quartz candle holders
use a rose quartz face roller
Rose Quartz is a relatively hard gemstone and will stand up to a lot of handling but it can be scratched so however, you choose to use it, some care should be taken.
Even though rose quartz is a gentle crystal that soothes energetically, it can release low vibrational energy from chakras, increase self-love, enhance emotional health, promote self-awareness, and bring all other chakras into balance.
HOBART M. KING, Ph.D., GIA Graduate Gemologist, Geoscience News and Information, [online], (n.d), “Rose Quartz”, Retrieved 2020-11-20.
ANASTASIA TRETIAK, The Spruce, [online], (n.d), “Use of Rose Quartz in Feng Shui” Retrieved 2020-11-19.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!