Simple Ways to Set New Moon Intentions Using Chakras
Over the last few months, I’ve really felt myself opening up to embracing the moon’s energy and using it for nourishment. I’ve always been a fan of rituals such as charging my crystals in the moonlight or listing my goals to manifest what I want, but beyond those practices, I’ve found myself seeking out new experiences, and it’s why I began connecting with the eight natural lunar cycles of the moon.
In this post, you will learn ways to harness the energy of the new moon phase to set intentions for what you want to manifest in the months ahead by tapping into your heart chakra and feelings of peace and abundance. Gain a better understanding of the potential power of this celestial body and how its spiritual energy aligns with the consciousness of the Anahata chakra.
What are the moon phases?
Every month the moon goes through eight lunar phases depending on the amount of illumination on its surface. Each phase has a different energy. So, we’re going to dig into the concept of pairing the energy of each phase of the lunar cycle with a chakra and using it to our advantage.
The first phase of the moon is called the new moon and since it is the lowest light phase it is a good time to go inside, be introspective, nurture ourselves, tune into how we are feeling, and from that place, set intentions for what we want to manifest in the upcoming months.
The new moon symbolizes a quiet time and a time before something begins so it is a good time to FEEL into the things that are working in your life, talk about what you want more of and why you want it.
This quote from Abraham-Hicks summarizes it beautifully, “when you talk about what you want and why you want it, there’s usually less resistance within you than when you talk about what you want and how you’re going to get it. When you pose questions, you don’t have answers for, like how, where, when, who, it sets up a contradictory vibration that slows everything down.” This is so true and it’s why the chakra that corresponds with the energy of the new moon phase may not be the one you think!
what are new moon intentions?
Because the new moon signifies an opportunity for a fresh start, it is believed that it is a good time to embrace new beginnings.
When I started exploring chakras and the moon cycles, my first impression was that the third eye chakra should be the one highlighted during the new moon phase as it is the chakra associated with light. My thinking was that during the absence of illumination on the new moon the brow chakra could be powerful, but as I went through a couple of new moon cycles paying attention to my own chakras, I noticed the complete opposite. My brow chakra was weak during the new moon phase, but my heart chakra was strong and tuned into what I was feeling!
It made sense. When there is an absence of light, the third eye chakra is weak. As the brow chakra is related to the mind, thinking, and planning, trying to set intentions by THINKING about what we want is not using the new moon energy to our advantage, it’s actually working against it. So, to set our intentions on the new moon, we need to FEEL into what we want, why we want it, and how we want to feel when we have it.
Creating rituals around this heavenly body is a powerful way to connect to things your subconscious wants or needs, and it is a potent time to call in desires for manifesting. Learning how to be quiet with yourself is a big part of learning how to access your true desires. So, start by making a list.
On the new moon or approximately 48 hours before the new moon when the crescent isn’t visible, make a list of your intentions using pen and paper. Keep the list simple and concise. Pay attention to how you feel as you write each item. Ask yourself what you want? Why do want it? Keep it easy. Don’t overthink it. Just write down some things that come to you and you can go back and revise your list after you’ve finished the following exercise.
Tap into how you FEEL by using what you already have close at hand. They are called memories.
Think back to when you were a little kid. What did you love? Was it playing alone in your room as sunshine filtered softly through the window and sparkles of light tickled your skin? Maybe it was riding your bike, feeling the sense of freedom and the wind in your hair.
Whatever your memory was, write it down in as much or as little detail as you like. How did it feel? Where do you feel it in your body now? Is it warm, soft, comforting? Spend a moment and let yourself embody it then jot down random words to describe what it felt like. You don’t have to write paragraphs or get caught up in replaying the story in your mind, just capture how it felt. As you bring the memories into your awareness, you can tap into the feelings and expand them and allow them to infiltrate the rest of your life, and… your future.
As much as it is a great thing to tap into memories of the past for inspiration in setting intentions, you need to also consider what fascinates you right now. What are you into? What are you excited about? How does it feel? What do you want to create? Where do you want to be a month, year, or five years from now? You need not know all the answers, the goal is to let yourself dream about it, feel into it, and align it with your new moon intentions.
The key to manifesting intentions on a new moon is to make sure your list FEELS similar to your pleasant memories, things that excite you, and dreams you have for the future.
Now it’s time to go back to your list and modify it until it feels right and feels like it is in alignment with who you are and what you want to create. Modify it from your heart, not your head! Challenge your beliefs and separate your ideas from those of others.
Are you ready to make your list? While tapping into your heart’s desires may be difficult and conflict with what you think you want, it’s definitely a solid way to stay in alignment with who you are as you harness the new moon energy for intention setting. Take advantage of it with my simple guide to tuning into your heart’s desires.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!