Elephant Chakra Totem
Are you often lightheaded? Do you struggle with anxiety? Have trouble staying present and fully engaged in what you are doing? Unable to manifest your dreams into reality? If so, your root chakra may need strengthening. How can you do that? Use the energy of its associated chakra animal totem, the elephant.
It doesn’t matter whether you call it a spirit animal, power animal, spirit guide, spiritual totem, animal helper, or totem animal, it is the embodiment of the elephant’s energy that resonates with the consciousness of the root chakra. In this post, delve into the symbolic meaning of the elephant, the consciousness of the elephant’s energy and how it aligns with the consciousness of the Muladhara chakra, and why you should use the elephant chakra totem energy to support your root chakra and the manifestation of your goals.
As I said above, all chakra animal totems can be referred to as spirit animals, power animals, spirit guides, spiritual totems, animal helpers, or totem animals. What’s the difference? Basically, there is no difference. In my exploration of the chakra energy system, I have noticed similarities in the traits exhibited by certain animals and how they align with the consciousness of certain chakras. Therefore, I have combined all the terms above into the term chakra animal totem.
All the symbolic chakra animals have innate abilities, but the elephant’s potential power is anchored in instinct. Elephants are respected and considered symbols of good luck, strength, wisdom, and power in many different cultures. In both Hinduism and Buddhism, the elephant is seen as a holy animal, and its likeness is represented in the form of many gods and goddesses. (Red Rain Buddha)
A few years ago, we were in Bali and I experienced the unspoken grounding energy of the elephant for myself. We were staying at a resort that rescues elephants from Sumatra. and, being an elephant lover, I spent every waking minute outside touching them, communicating with them, feeding them, and bathing them. One thing that I noticed was how calm and peaceful it felt there. I felt safe. The world seemed to slow down around me. I became fully present and immersed in the experience. That is how it feels when the resonance of the root chakra connects to the vibration of the earth and the energy of its chakra animal, the elephant.
Even though the elephant is the world’s largest animal, it can connect to the earth and communicate through seismic signals that create vibrations in the ground. It is the resonance with the earth element that aligns the elephant with the consciousness of the root chakra. When a person is connected to their grounding force, they are in harmony with the present moment, experience stability, greater physical strength, stamina, and use their innate wisdom to think clearly.
There is a common saying that an elephant never forgets. Scientists can’t confirm that they never forget but they have proven that elephants do have incredible memories. It is believed that this is due to the size of their brain. Symbolically, elephants are associated with wisdom. Their massive head symbolizes a connection to the wisdom of the universe. Even though the higher chakras such as the third eye chakra and the crown chakra are commonly associated with wisdom, the root chakra is also critical as it must be strong and healthy for one’s wisdom to be fully utilized and manifest into reality.
The elephant’s wisdom teaches us to tap into the world around us, feel into it, embody it, and learn to trust our instincts. The root chakra is similar in that it is the most instinctual of all chakras. The root chakra is the survival center and connects us to the physical world. It is associated with the Adrenal Glands and the instinctual fight or flight response. According to spacioustherapy.com, the root chakra is associated with the first task we undertake after birth, and that is to determine whether we belong here, on this earth, and in this family system. It is not a conceptual question based on cognition. It is instinctual.
Symbolically the elephant represents family, the significance of our roots, ancestors, and cultural lines as the elephant is a family animal who is said to value its family more than most animals (independent.co.us). In my experience, I’ve noticed that one of the root chakra’s smaller vortexes is connected to our ancestral lines. When this ancestral vortex is healthy, one feels connected to elders, safe, protected, and feels like they have support in all their endeavors. When the vortex is damaged or unhealthy, family relationships are strained, traumas may be passed down through generations, and a person may feel alone and lacking emotional support.
The elephant’s size and wisdom symbolize great power and strength. The root chakra is also associated with strength - physical strength of the legs, knees, and feet. If the root chakra is not strong, it may hold the consciousness of fear related to aspects of survival, food, shelter, self-preservation, and security. It is the link to one’s basic needs that make the root chakra important for financial abundance.
enhance feelings of safety
connect to earth’s primal energies
feel more grounded
remove obstacles from your path
invoke wisdom
gain a deeper connection to your heritage
heal ancestral lines
release trauma held in the cellular consciousness of the root chakra
manifest abundance
obtain stronger physical stamina
Whether you feel lightheaded, face a difficult decision, or just want to stay present and fully engaged with what you are doing, the root chakra elephant totem can give strength to your root chakra to help you move forward comfortably. Invoking the power of the elephant allows you to deeply connect with and open the root chakra.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!