5 Unique Ways to Open Your Heart Chakra
I’m back to talk about one of my all-time favorite chakras… the heart chakra. I remember when I first heard about chakras way back in the early 2000s and I’ll be honest… I wasn’t totally convinced. I thought: Chakras? Is that really a thing? But a few of my mentors in the holistic world kept on talking about them, and as someone who’s not one to skip out on trying something at least once… I jumped in.
I started by connecting with angels. I love spending time in the higher realms and once I discovered that I could connect with them and receive guidance, I had to start doing something with the information I was receiving so I could help others heal themselves. They taught me first how to connect with and listen to my heart chakra. Then, I channeled my first guided meditation. Now, it definitely wasn’t pretty or fancy by any means, but it’s still one of my most popular meditations and something I’m proud of to this day.
While a lot has changed in my life over the past couple of decades, this one thing has remained true: my heart chakra has become the biggest go-to when I need guidance or have to make an important decision.
I’m conscious about constantly trying new ways to convince people to connect with their own longing, and I know and believe through and through that it's the most powerful place to tap into.
Why? Because it’s the one place they can show up for themselves and affect all of their relationships. Unlike listening to others’ opinions of what you should and shouldn’t do, the heart chakra is a place where you can pop into your heart’s wisdom and just say “hey”, feel what’s right and good for you without interference from outside sources and trust in the decisions you are making.
Let’s find out some easy and unique ways to open your heart chakra, ways that don’t take a ton of time and that can introduce you to how it feels so that you can do some chakra healing, begin showing up for yourself and start building trust in the guidance you are receiving.
The heart chakra or Anahata chakra is the fourth chakra in your 7 chakras and it’s all about loving relationships, the one you have with yourself, reciprocity with others, and the connections you form to all living things. When the heart chakra is blocked, the symptoms that’ll show up are difficulties in your relationships, disconnection from your longing, ongoing sadness, loneliness, depression, grief as well as heart and lung problems.
As healing begins within you first and then spreads to all of your relationships, it’s important to open your heart chakra and release what’s stuck in it so you can regain wholeness in your life and embody your ability to live your life with compassion and goodness while opening to abundance.
5 unique ways to open your heart chakra
A lot of times I see people watching a sunset, and taking pictures, which is definitely awesome. However, if that’s the only way you’re showing up to enjoy it, you’re missing a big opportunity to use its energy. Taking the time to put down your phone or camera and feeling the energy of the sunset, is a really cool way to open your heart chakra.
I know a lot of people who take pictures, heck, I do this too and it’s a great way to capture the essence of what you’re looking at. But… for the sake of connecting with your heart’s wisdom, consider taking a photo then put down your camera and focus on enjoying the sunset.
Take it all in. Let it fill you up. Notice where you feel it in your body. Do you feel your heart renewing? Warmth in your chest? Restored? Maybe even regenerated? Then, when you notice how your body is reacting you can begin to work with the feeling in your chest so when you’re ready to start listening to your inner guidance… you’ll be prepared as you already have and the idea of what sensation to expect.
So many people are meditating right now, frankly because it works! It gives people the opportunity to let go of everyday stressors while connecting with universal energy. One of the coolest meditations I was a part of in 2019 was a group of people hosting a challenge together then sharing what they felt each day.
Basically, 10 or so people got together and did a 5-day challenge, and they all had access to the videos and downloads… Of course, it was a great way to expand my exposure to new audiences and get new clients. Plus, the participants got to receive a variety of tips for meditating with crystals which were just added value.
You can literally meditate in many ways to open the heart chakra… the goal is that you somehow connect to its energy and feel it expanding. One of the easiest ways for beginners to start is to use guided meditations. For the heart chakra, I have a couple of favorites but a quick one to start your meditation practice with is a guided meditation to open to abundance. Want to try it for yourself? Get my heart chakra meditation here.
Yup, arm pushes, and arm circles are effective and they’re one of the top ways to get circulation moving in the chest area and heart chakra. Right now, especially, people are so into quick ways to open their chakras, and they’re easy to do, and… you can do them almost anywhere!
There’s just something fun and easy and lighthearted about moving your arms and learning how it gets the energy moving in your chest. It’s a powerful way to connect to this part of your body and you’ll be surprised to notice how it feels. I know I was the first time I tried it!
For arm pushes, stand between two solid surfaces like walls in a hallway. Fully extend your arms to your sides so you can place your palms flat on each surface then… push! The harder you push outwards the more you’ll feel the energy in your heart moving.
If you don’t have a hallway where you can do this, try doing arm circles. They’re exactly what they sound like-extend your arms out to your sides and rotate them forward in circles then reverse and rotate them backward, and my favorite thing is that I get some physical exercise in the process!
Visualizing any sort of color like the color green is something that you can do right away and experience a quick win from. It’s a huge way to open your heart chakra as color is perceived through the eyes and interpreted in your brain then expanded to include the emotional aspect which affects the energetic field.
I love all the chakra clearing tools out there from meditating, to yoga, to smudging, to releasing emotional blockages, and beyond… But I have to pick visualizing colors as the easiest one, the one I teach about the most, and one that I use myself!
There’s something extra easy about closing your eyes and imagining yourself sitting in a room full of the color green, soft, loving, and warm. Then imagine it touching your skin and sinking into your whole body. As you breathe in green you notice how good it feels in your lungs and your chest and let it sink in further filling every cell of your body with light, warmth, and love. Practice sitting in your color green for a few minutes each day to build your capacity to breathe it in and allow the penetration throughout your energy field and your heart chakra spiritual energy point.
Pause and refresh yourself by retreating inside. Escape from the noise, anxiety, and chaos into a place of stillness and peace. The heart chakra is where you’ll find it… actually, just a little bit above the heart chakra is the sweet spot where you will find stillness within.
Want to know how to start? Breathe! Breathing deeply throughout the day will expand your capacity to find stillness within.
All you have to do is take five minutes and find a quiet place then close your eyes and breathe deeply to fill your lungs with air and life. Start by focusing on your left lung. Inhale and fill it to capacity, then exhale and let it go. Repeat several times before moving over to your right lung where you will do the same exercise. Finish your stillness break by breathing into both lungs, holding your breath for a few seconds then exhaling.
Okay, that’s it! The heart chakra gives me all the happy feels and I could literally talk about it all day long. But I’ll end it here because these ideas should give you a good start on working on opening your heart chakra in quick, unique ways.
I love and have used all of these techniques for tapping into my own heart’s wisdom and can tell you firsthand that they’re all doable and productive in their own way!
If you’ve been feeling some stagnancy and can’t put your finger on what you really want or just don’t know where to start, or are struggling in your relationships, pick just one of these ideas that excites you the most and give it a shot! Try, try, and try it again, and I have no doubts that your heart chakra will start opening in no time.
Hi there!
I'm Della Reside, I'm an expert in Chakras & Cellular Consciousness, a nerd when it comes to details, and, my obsession is teaching others how to raise their self-awareness (in easy, practical ways) to fulfill their biggest dreams!